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Everything posted by Shutterbug

  1. I am currently paying a wages arrestment to Charles Anderson - at least its getting paid every month and as I am currently a full time student working part time I am excuded from paying council tax at the moment so hopefully by time I finish college I will be council tax debt free and can start paying normally again. I have paid 2 months of the amount they say I owe but I have also just received a bank account arrestment order from an old bank account that I no longer use - stating that the bank couldnt give them anything as I obviously had no funds in that account as its not in use. I havent had a chance to speak to them yet as its the weekend but can they arrest your bank account on top of an existing wages arrestment?? I thought they were only legally allowed to take so much a month? I have moved all my funds from my existing account in the meantime in case I get any surprises in the next few days until I speak to them.
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