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  1. yes its all getting sorted after fighting hard they agreed to a full refund any others don't let them get away with it fight hard and stick to your guns
  2. Paid by credit card applying for a section 75 and sent letter to SCS under the sale of goods act
  3. We have always wanted a LazBoy suite and we finally ordered one from SCS costing £5800.00 in August 2012 knowing you have to wait 12 weeks to get one. It was getting near to our delivery time so I called them only to be told that on production the leather was damaged so they have to make another one another 12 weeks. But to be fair to the salesman at West Thurrock gave us a suite to use till ours arrived. The suite finally arrived early in 2013 only to find that the order was wrong instead of a right and left recliners to go each side of a table unit they had sent a fixed 2 seat settee also the 2 seater manual was damaged . They agreed to order the replacements another 12 weeks. The replacements arrived only to find the frame under the left end recliner was twisted the repair people came out tried to convince me it was out but finally he did agree with me that it was twisted so he ordered a new frame another 12 weeks. After several weeks I tried to find out what was going on with no luck so I rang the salesman and he thought I was all sorted so he ordered a complete new set of furniture as after all the time the leather would be a different colour another 12 weeks. New suite finally turns up end of 2012 only to find the two end recliners lay to one side and the 3 pieces did not fit together properly. I complained again and they sent out their expert with 30 years experience only to be told that the carpet is to thick for it sit flat and to put 4 pieces of rolled up carpet under the feet which he did, this making no difference to the 2 end recliners tipping to one side and said there is nothing else he can do. I noted on his paperwork that it was not acceptable and waited again for someone to call. As I never received a call after a few weeks I rung the salesman and explained the situation which he was appalled and he emailed higher up to get things sorted. Waited another 3 weeks and finally got a call which was a worded script telling me there is no manufacturing faults and would not be doing anything. He would not listen to anything I had to say and the only thing he did say was take us the trading standards This is not the end watch this space
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