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Everything posted by WISEDOME

  1. I need some urgent assistance. I took out a logbook loan with a company called varomma. I have defualted on payments. they have on several occasion sent round balliffs, but as the car is in a locked garagre they have not been able to get it. I contacted them last june had been made redudant suffered a bereavement and could not make the 500 a month payment but offered 200. sent banks statemnets and debtline budget sheet showing what i could afford i had no response, however they took 2 paynets of 200 in july. i contacted them in september again writing to them stating my case no response, until january this year when ballifs came round and threnatened me with high court writs and the fact that they can break down my doors etc. I have 4 little chiuldren on my own i broke down and then agreed to find 4000 pounds and then 200 for 10 months. I have not been able to do this they now say pay 1000 by the end of the week and we will agree to taking 300 a month although they have alredy sent the matter to repossesion to get a high court writ worried sick and frigthened what can i do? thanks for yourhelp in advance
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