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  1. Havinastella - When I say 'fine' it was the actual PCN on the day as per the overstay that took place in March 2013. CCJ was issued in December 2013. I hope that makes it clear for you.
  2. Thanks Andy. I am not sure about the proper timing of the Consent Order i.e. whether it needs to be before or after the judgment, hence I wanted to ask the question. Apparently PE has said that they are confident that it is faster and easier process for them to get my judgment set aside. Eagerly awaiting on what comes back from court now. CCJ on my file has already been set as 'Satisfied' with the Certification of Satisfaction already on its way.
  3. Thanks for your comments Andy. I did get in touch with ParkingEye and having explained my situation and circumstance they did really offer to help. They have suggested not to raise N244 application as it may be counterproductive for the Consent Order (CO) they are sending themselves to the court. Further they believe CO should be able to help from their experience, although I am yet to be convinced on that. They say that CO takes lesser time to process and will return a favourable response from the court. Re DVLA, I did update my Driving Licence a couple of months before the stated parking fine, however I could not update V5C for my car as I relocated to London and was not using it at all. As stated earlier, I was under a lot of stress and a wreck during the time and when I did use my car I realised that I need to update the V5C and so I did it. However just during the time I could get my V5C updated, the fine was served to my old address and I couldnt be made aware of this right until the point I became aware of CCJ last week.
  4. Hi, I would really appreciate if anyone could help me. At the beginning of February 2014 I was offered a senior role within a very reputed Financial Services organisation. However within the Background checks I found out that there was a CCJ against my name registered in December 2013. As soon as I got the information on 17th February, I contacted the Northampton County Court and they informed me that Parking Eye had secured a judgment against me for overstaying in a car park. The way Parking Eye operates is that they take a video evidence and then get in touch with the customer using their contact details from DVLA. Unfortunately the address Parking Eye was trying to get in touch with me was an old address which I had vacated 3 months earlier. I was at a very low point in my life and updating the DVLA address was one of the last things on my mind. By the time I could update my records in DVLA, ParkingEye was trying to get in touch with me at my old address and eventually they got a CCJ against my name in December 2013. I paid Parking Eye on 17th February itself as I didnt want the CCJ, however I have been told that paying off £165 at the first instance wasnt a wise thing. I now need some help in finding out what are the best options for me to get the CCJ removed / set aside from my file. Parking Eye has been sympathetic and they are in the process of sending a Consent Order to court stating the condition and asking them to set aside my CCJ. However I have been made aware that this a rare circumstance it depends on the judge who undertakes the case. I havent yet raised a N244 application but I wanted to know whether I should be doing the same in conjunction to Consent Order; or should I ask Parking Eye to stop sending the Consent Order and I send N244 application on my own? Any help or advice on the matter would be useful. I have never defaulted on any payment or credit agreement and otherwise have an excellent credit history. Unfortunately with the presence of the CCJ on my file I would not be able to secure any further employment within Financial Services industry in which I have worked for more than 12 years. Thanks in advance...
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