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  1. I dont understand? I was under the impression that ignoring it was the worst thing to do? Sorry if thats naive...
  2. I have spoken to them on the telephone a couple of times (not very nice) Made to feel humiliated....... .. I have also sent them a letter by registered post explaining my financial situation and e-mailed them an income expenditure sheet. As Stupid as it sounds I have just tried to be honest and reasonable .........
  3. Hi Thanks for replying. The debt is for a personal unsecured loan taken with the TSB in 2007. - In 2008/09 I was made redundant and unable to keep paying and contacted TSB to ask if I could pay a token amount until things got better but they refused and payments stopped. Then at the end of 2012 1st credit / Connaught purchased the loan say they have contacted me to pay but I havent replied. Then last week I recieved the S/D to say they were going to make me bankrupt to pay for it. I have contacted them explaining that I connot afford what they are asking and need time to sort something out. I also explained that I had been ill last year suffering depression after the death of my father but I have heard nothing back. To be honest I havent applied for the CCA SAR but will tomorrow if it helps. Are they not obliged to act sympathetically to customers in financial difficulties etc and not to make excessive demands( i.e the whole amount) As I said this is worrying me more than anything ever before in my life. I dont mind paying I just cant...
  4. I am more worried now than ever.... ... - What would be a valid reason to apply to set the claim aside ?????????? Although I want to come to an arrangement to repay the debt I am unable to meet the amount being demanded - Is this allowed??? It just doesn't seem fair that they can do this to me .. They know I am unable to meet their demands and seem to revel in my predicament.. . I have battled with depression for a long time now and to be perfectly honest I am not sure how long I can continue with this thing tearing me apart inside.. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT I NEED TO DO. PLEASE
  5. Thanks for the reply, I will do both. Can you please tell me if the debt is not statute barred do they have any obligation to listen to any reasonable offer before going to court and if so what would constitute a reasonable offer? They have not offered a discount they want half now and the other half over 12 months - As I say there is no way I can afford anything like this
  6. Please help me - I have received a statutory demand from Connaught / 1st credit for an unpaid loan I had with Lloyds TSB in 2007 - Apparently the outstanding balance is £7700. - I have contacted them but they say they will accept nothing less than £3500 in a lump sum and the rest over 12 months, otherwise they will force me to sell the family home (Its on a joint mortgage with my partner) There is no way I can afford to pay that and have sent them an income/expenditure form to illustrate this. I was made redundant in January and can only offer a token payment until I get work (I have interviews coming up) I have approx £500 due soon which I have also offered them. - They have not replied I have two young children and cannot face the thought of them losing their home ( I have even contemplated the unthinkable - as the house is in joint names and my partner would automatically become sole owner on my passing) I am willing to pay I just do not have the means at present. I have contributed to a private pension scheme and have also contacted them about the possibility of cashing this in, but I may have to wait 3 weeks for this information. Please help, Are Connaughts under any obligation to be reasonable? Will the court take into consideration the fact that I am trying to reach an agreement? I have not slept for nearly a week and have never felt so desperate and helpless in my life. Any advice would be invaluable to me
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