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Everything posted by xagman

  1. Hi You're mostly talking about surcharges here, which is quite different to a minimum spend amount. Surcharges are lawful, provided as you say, they represent the true cost of processing the transaction. A minimum charge enforced though, say because the merchant is getting charged a flat rate for debit card transactions, is something else. Martin
  2. Hi Where did you find these terms and conditions? I would be interested to see the context/wording as I get annoyed about this as well. Also make sure these are rules for point of sale within Visa Europe jurisdiction, and not say, Visa Inc. (USA) for ecommerce. From what I believed, the problem was enforcing a minimum charge for specific card types over another, rather than a having a blanket minimum charge. Does the store also charge a minimum for credit cards as well as debit cards (or are you talking in general terms)? Regards Martin
  3. Thanks a lot By the way - the links in your signature look interesting but some are broken - any chance you could update them please? I would like to learn more.
  4. Hi I was wondering if you could let me know how come the administration fee is not enforceable if it is written into the contract which was signed and agreed? If it came to court, what law/case would be cited to confirm this? Not asking because of gyms necessarily - just from a consumer protection point of view. Its just interesting that a company would continue to write something into a contract that wouldn't stand up in court? Thanks Martin
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