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  1. Ty so glad its all done with now .. So for any one else going through it dont give up u will win in the end .. Goodluck to anyone else going through this .xxx
  2. got a call today from dfs ..to go up and pick a new suite well happy about it roll on 12 weeks till its here xxx
  3. Hiya well manager came up had a few things to say ...in the end say he will contact his manager etc and say for replacement suite. ..but there's just something at bk of my mind saying this isnt going to happen.. .so we are getting told thurs or Friday so will let u know how it goes .. Fingers crossed x
  4. it was maybe 7 months but the problem was there but didn't think anything till my friend said as she has the same suite xx
  5. Ah ty wasnt to sure were to post Thank you for helping me out, Pep x
  6. Hi Im Pep from Dundee I just joined here tonight, As I'm having problems with DFS, Ive posted a couple of posts up to see if i can get any help, As the manager is coming up tomm...fingers crossed here we can sort it Anyway just wanted to say Hi Xx Pep
  7. Hi, I'm new here just joined tonight... I have a manager coming up tomm from DFS Our suite wil be a year old next month. But since last year they have replaced the 4 seat cushions u sit on Put foam in the bottom part of the suite on both 2 seaters where cushions would go They also came back and put more foam in the back of both 2 seaters They then had 2 replace 2 of the seat cushions cause the smell on them was really bad They they came back and put foam in the back cushions on both 2 seaters They sent a guy out last week as the cushions u sit on wont stay on settees now every time u get up u have to lift the back cushion up and push ur cushion that u sit on back onto settee. This time i didnt let them repair it I handed a letter over for manager saying i am rejecting the suite as u have repaired it 5 times up to now..... Now the manager of the shop is coming tomm ... Any one any tips for me please before he arrives Thank you Pep
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