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  1. Hi ......Not a word since discaplinary on the 12th march.......nearing the end of the meeting my union rep told the manager doin the meeting that when I recieved my documents/statements etc to take to the meeting,I noticed the police had been called Half hour after I had been sent home suspended on the 15th Feb.I was not made aware of this at any of the fact finding meetings over a period of two weeks,it was the 3rd week i read it on a statement,anyway , the managers face was a picture to savour due to the fact that she was unaware of this,I took my que and told her I had not been given the chance to defend myself on the day of the alegation,plus i said Sham,my boss had breached the policies/procedures of not informing me of this fact.I have also sent two e-mails to head office with episodes of my boss behaviour towards me over past year.....i.e....thefts in the home which have continued,and im being used as a scapegoat etc.I have since not had any word about the decision of the discaplinary which is now 11 days after.My union rep says the police episode prob put a spanner in the works and hopefully I will be returning to work soon.....sorry for the long message.
  2. Hi every one.......Im now at the disciplinary stage with theft allegation,I have my union rep for support,he has read the statements against me and says It appears the staff are saying I took the money , got found out and put it were the ten pound was found.I was not aware the police had been in to my work the same day the alledged theft happened but I was not informed at all.I found this out when i got my minutes information to take to meeting tomorrow.I was obviously angry that I had not been given opportunity to defend myself on the same day......so I contacted the police myself,I was very distressed , explained why,and they came to my home on my request......I was going to ask for a formal Investigation to be done to show them i am innocent,but the police officer said it can not be done because there is no evidence.....and the other 40pound that the resident said was missing was a mistake as it was in his wallet,the other allegation is to do with a ten pound note found in his eun-suite room.....a senior said it looked like I had thrown it in there when we were in room trying to speak to the resident.If this is so why did they not give the bloody money to the police for prints to be done.....I had this confirmed by a solicitor after advice ........I have also e-mailed the CQC because I feel so down over the past 4weeks and the two job offers in care I have offered are riding on the outcome tomorrow at disciplinary,I have never felt so depressed.
  3. Thank You.....I honestly can not see how this can go any further...i.e Discaplinary/Dismissal...I have assisted , complied with any meetings,questions etc and am praying by the weekend I have recieved a phone call or Letter to say The Investigation has been completed.My union Rep has agreed that I am doing everything to Expede the situation and bring it all to an end.
  4. Hi guys....just an update..I was contacted by my manager yesterday to go into work this morning to as she said ,clarify a couple of things ...meaning from other staff statement.The senior had given a slightly different account to mine....In regards to were were/who went into the gentlemans room in regards to the alleged money issue.I co-operated fully,but to be honest , I just did not remember who did access room firs,anyway we went to the room , my boss just ran through it with me,I showed her etc.I also was asked why I insisted I be searched first time.My answer ...Because I was angry , yet again to be accused of theft,she appeared to understand my reasononing.Anyway I am due back on my shifts this weekend,I be very surprised,but happy,if that happens......will keep u all informed....x
  5. Still of work on suspension for the theft alogation....had my informal fact finding interveiw....why do i think my boss/HR who interveiwed me thought I was Bull****ting them.......I have had another job offer , which has to be put on hold till the outcome of this nightmere is complete.....Im begining to feel so depressed,crying...fearing for my husband and my future.....will i ever work in care again....can i ask to leave my present job.....just spend most of my time feeling so down n crying......stuck between rock and hard place...x
  6. hello u guys,just thought i would update.....since my last visit i have been into work for a :investagatory/fact finding meeting: It was not as bad as i thought but i came away thinking my employer assumed i was fibbing.This was because i had insisted my bag be searched as soon as i knew i had been accused of the theft....she just kept pushing the question , i answered truthfully . Of course care workers have been asked to do their statments of the said allogation.As any normal human being would do is forgot a couple of things and not addto there own statment,the items were brought up.....i am almost sure my boss thought I would lie and say nothing.....but no chance i explained everything.I was advised at the end that i am still on suspension and this was due to the fact to help me be away from the stress at work during the investigation,and to be available.I have stressed my inocents at the allegation and am so praying i will be allowed to work again and cleared of the allegation........as i said before was only me and the old gentleman present at the time......any one help and destress me again.
  7. thank you guys......i have just spoken with my union rep.....some light may be around the corner..I have explained the whole situation to him and he has informed me that he is not happy with the fact my bag was searched twice,no evidence found....other staff members too.....and i have been suspended out of evryone.....he also says same as you guys .....no evidence , no case, back to work......will keep you all informed.
  8. Thank you all for input...as you have all said ,it is proccedure to ask me to remain away from work for a full investigation to be carried out.I know I have not done the hanious theft,and never would,but it does not stop me worrying will I return to work or will they get rid off me .There have been a number of thefts in the home of which nobody has been caught for them,am i a scape goat for these thefts,are the my collegues suspecting me for them...all of these thoughts are sending me nuts......I have followed my duty as a care assistant , trying to protect the resident from having his money stolen and now I am accused of theft by the same resident.I so hope that I will be returning to work at the end of the week.
  9. Thank you, i have compiled a detailed statement of my task that morning with gentleman in question specifying every detail from start to end to when i was asked to leave work.I have had lots of feedback in regards to the police being notified,some of which say i can be arrested even on suspicion,this is worrying as you may appreciate.I would love to have the police involved if just to prove my credability,
  10. The point he had his wallet and cheking his money and now all this worry....yes l touched the wallet ..yes l touched the money tellin him to put it away....neva did i think l would be accused of such a hanious crime..
  11. Yes i am in a union and have left my concern with rep who hopefully will contact me...i have assisted the man before....with no problem...
  12. The resident in question had agreed to my assistance saying ..... he didnt mind as i had assisted before ,,,he is able to dress/undress himself but requires help from one carer....no spefication of male/female just to promote his preference by asking him.
  13. in reply to your last post,all carers tend to his needs,unfortunatly I had done what we all do ..... be alone without another carer present when assisting him...and now this horrible accusation....It his his word over mine...so so worried ...not because I am guilty but because the carers are always the guilty till proven inocent so to speak..x
  14. If you mean procedure when assisting resident ...... i was on my own yes....this is done on regular basis and managment are aware.As to the other incidents i have specified of other staff acusations i have just taken my managers word{ never was anyone present when she was informing me of the other said incidents}I have been in care for thirty years give or take a few months and never had any sort of incident as this one.The resident in question has a daughter who was present in the room three weeks ago after i was asked to assist him with similar care task....the daughter was well aware I was on my own at the time of assisting the resident.She had also stressed to the resident how she did not want him having large cash amount on his person,I was in the room and heared the conversation of which the resident refused her advice.Senior staff today had told me before i was suspended that the resident in question had been out the previous day into town and got in ataxi could have spent the money.....as said before my bag was searched along with other staff members willingly and then a second time before being asked to leave .....so many thoughts, fears of being unjustly dismissed when no moneies were found on my person or in my bag etc...sorry for the long answer..
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