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Everything posted by beverleyt

  1. Me and my ex split 3 weeks ago and today he paid me £120 for maintenance. He earns £19,000 gross before overtime and because he pays maintenance to another child he says we both get 10% of his net which he says is £1,185. Is him paying 10% correct as when I put it into the calculator it shows more but he says that doesnt take into account the other child he's paying for?
  2. Ok first of all I havent been short on detail, I said I handed the keys back the day after I moved in which is why I believe they have charged me £22. I told the estate agent I was doing this as someone was meant to be picking my wardrobe up. Secondly I told the estate agent I still had a wardrobe and bed in the flat that I was having trouble selling and because I was moving into a furnished house could not take them with me. They told me to tell them when I was picking them up so they could go with me but as the people who were buying them off me couldnt come until out of office times I couldnt and because I have been messed about/had trouble selling them I wanted it over and done with. It wasnt a conspired break in with my mum it was just the only way I could finally get the items out of the flat. Was I meant to leave them in there?! I was in and out in 2 minutes, I hardly invited squatters in. As for being a bad tenant and the landlord to be "well rid of me" that is absolute crap as the landlord has never had any trouble with me and I kept that flat in as good a condition as I could. It was more like me having trouble with the flat on more than one occasion. So while in black and white it may look like something you can slag me off for it wasnt actually like that so get off your high horse as what gives you the right to attack someone so personally? Thank you to everyone else for the advice they have given me. It has been appreciated.
  3. I handed the keys back the day after I moved as someone was meant to be picking up my wardrobe the day I moved but they never did. My mum still had a set of keys so I used them a couple of days later to pick up the wardrobe and bed. I know I should have told the agent so they could have gone with me but the people came to pick them up early morning and evening when the office would have been shut plus I was having so much trouble selling them I just wanted them out of the way.
  4. I sent them a letter requesting they send me a breakdown of the charges and they have left me a message saying they have cancelled the cheque they originally sent me and are getting someone to look at the flat (which was meant to be last week!) as they are saying they may have to charge me for an iron burn in the carpet and some marks on the wall. So basically because I have complained they are talking about charging me more! I admit I burned the carpet with an iron but it isnt right through the carpet or brown but can they charge me for a new carpet? Arent the marks on the wall classed as wear and tear as the walls were magnolia and I was there for 18 months?
  5. I didnt stay in past my tenancy but as I didnt hand in the keys until the lunchtime the day after I moved it will look like I did stay in. The thing that bothers me with the bathroom is that it was on the inventory as being poor in the first place, the paint peeled off when the water off the shower went on it and it is only a tiny bathroom. They have left me a message to say the contract cleaners are going in to view it but as yet they havent given me a breakdown so the £50 is obviously a guess.
  6. I moved in May 2006 and I was given an inventory which stated the bathroom was poor but I never signed it and sent them it back. I have a feeling the £22 is because I didnt hand the keys over until the day after I moved as someone was meant to be coming to pick up some furniture I was selling so they are charging me an extra day's rent. The manager is meant to be ringing me today regarding the bathroom.
  7. I have just received a cheque after moving out of my flat 3 weeks ago. They have deducted £50 for cleaning the bathroom. The bathroom was in a poor state when I moved in and also said this on the inventory, the paint wasnt bathroom paint so it peeled off when I used the shower and because it had no window and the fan didnt always work it got mildew and mould which even after scrubbing with specialist cleaners would not come off. I am fuming that they are charging me for something that I had no control over. I have rung them and they are saying they are not charging me for a burn in the carpet which I did with an iron but can they just take money out of the bond without warning you first? I thought they had to tell you beforehand as it is your money. They have also taken £22 out for arrears which I presume is because I left a wardrobe and bed in for 5 days after moving whilst I was selling them but not sure where they get that figure from.
  8. Shall I send the LBA to the Lit Team as they were the ones last handling my case?
  9. Thank you everyone. Saintly have read your link and will send them a LBA tomorrow. Will I have to go through the charges again to add new interest on?
  10. Hope someone can help because not sure what to do. Received my settlement letter 11 weeks ago and faxed it straight away. Didnt go to my court date because of this but told the court. I have not received my money and the lit team are not answering my emails. I emailed Paul Quinn a week ago today to say I will take them to court for breach of contract if I do not receive the money in a week. Today is a week later and I've not heard anything. Should I go through Moneyclaim again?
  11. As predicted I have not heard anything from them. Is there anything I can do?! I have the settlement letter that they sent me.
  12. No I didnt amend any of the wording and sent it back by fax. I called and faxed the court to tell them I wouldnt be attending and would let them know when I received the money. I emailed them a few months ago and Quinn didnt reply so I emailed Dino and he said he is sure Quinn will have put the request in for my money but they have a backlog. If they dont reply this time how do I sue them for breach of contract? I've noticed on moneysavingexpert they mention sending in the baillifs.
  13. Hi Audrey, I had a court date 10 weeks ago and emailed the lit team to ask if they wanted to settle before court. They sent me a settlement letter 2 days before my court date so I didnt go to court. I shall seek out my claim number when I've more time. Whats a WOE?
  14. It has been 10 weeks since I sent my settlement letter back to Paul Quinn and I still havent received my money. I have emailed him and said if I dont receive it in 7 days I will apply to the court for breach of contract, is that the right thing to do?
  15. It has now been a month since I sent the settlement letter to Paul Quinn just before my court date which I didnt go to as I had received the letter. I havent received the money and Paul does not reply to emails and Dino just tells me there is a backlog so does anyone have any advise on what to do now please?
  16. Its been 16 days since I sent my settlement letter to PQ and no reply to emails I send him. I emailed Dino and he said he is sure Paul will have put in the request for me but they have a backlog at the mo so how long am I meant to wait and then what?
  17. My court date has been and gone on 28th June. I didnt go because I received the letter. Have emailed Dino now thank you!
  18. I faxed my settlement letter to Paul 10 days ago and after sending him 2 emails asking when I will get my money he hasnt replied. Does anyone know what my next step should be?
  19. Yeah I used that one. I shall let you know when I get my dosh and looking forward to seeing what happened at court on here!
  20. No I didnt get their name or fax number but I have a report from the fax that I sent and have made a note of the time I spoke to them. She spoke to someone else to verify with them and then she told me I dont need to attend (wasnt sure whether she was telling me or asking me!) and I asked if that was ok and she said yes so fingers crossed!
  21. I have just faxed them and called them and everything was fine. Phew! They couldnt still throw it out could they? I did say on my fax that I would confirm when I get the money. Am I ok to do that without turning up today? Havent got the cheque yet but will go home at lunchtime to check my mail. I emailed Paul Quinn yesterday asking when I would get it as I would need to turn up today if I havent got it but he didnt reply. I will be glad when this is all over! Thank you everybody for all your help and good luck to people going today!
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