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  1. Hi Today I got a letter from RLP stating that I had been involved in a wrongful act and my actions caused significant loss to their client Tesco. They are demanding 147.50. What really happened - I bought a lot of electrical items, totalling 110 pounds. The cashier must have not scanned one item without me knowing (honestly!) which was a 12 pound set of headphones. I was stopped at the door as it beeped, I apologised and paid straight away at the customer services desk. The security guard said no further action would be taken, he had to take my details for his records, along with a copy of the receipt for 12 pounds. I phoned them up to tell them this and they said they would investigate and check the cctv and that they had 2 witness statements from tescos which "didn't seem very clear". Which is odd because there was only one person present, the security guard!. Can you advise me how to proceed, I was going to send the following email to them, but after reading this forum I thought I would check with you guys first, do I need to be contacting Tesco directly first or taking other action? ============= This is in follow up to our telephone conversation with you today, 14th February 2013 at 14.08 with your colleague Ellie King as your terms require a written response. The allegations made are false. One item out of a large purchase was not scanned by a Tesco cashier. This was unknown to us until a bag check at the exit to the store. We had already purchased and paid for several other items of the value of £110 in this transaction. The item in question (a £12 headphone) had not scanned properly. On discovery of this we immediately made payment at the customer service till. There was at no point any "significant disruption" to your client. The item also did not scan on the customer service till and 2 attempts had to be made to get the item to register on the till. On both purchases a Tesco clubcard was scanned and the security guard also took a copy receipt for his records so there are several proofs of purchase available to them and no losses to your client were made. The security guard informed us that no further action would be taken and that our name and address were only for him to complete his normal paperwork. At no point did we attempt to take goods, and all goods were paid for in full. Reviewing the CCTV will show us queuing in the upstairs section of the store with all items. You informed us that Tesco had 2 witnesses. This is false. We were stopped by 1 security guard, there were no other Tesco or security staff present at this time, other than the cashier we used to pay for the item who had no knowledge of the incident. Again the CCTV footage will confirm this. We politely request that this claim is cancelled. I believe this can be put down to an honest mistake caused by your clients checkout operator, and as no loss was caused to your client there should be no further action. ==============
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