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  1. I'm pretty certain it was a TFL ticket as I'm told that because the "Penalty Charge Number" begins with GF it was issued by them. I still haven't seen any ticket though.
  2. Sorry, just seen this about "Notice to Owner": No, I have never seen this. "Out of Time" witness statement.....have you got a link please ? thank You.
  3. Not as such TT: Been advised to write a letter to TASKenforcement, TFL & Croydon Court giving me side of events: Bailiff clamped my van on "Private property" / off road (apparently wrong), entered my flat and took keys for van leaving no receipt (apparently wrong), took van in less than 48 hours: someone said something about a "5 day walking period (?)" (apparently wrong), took my work vechicle (apparently wrong), took my tools and materials and did not fill in the "Inventory" (apparently wrong), never given a copy of the "Parking-ticket" (apparently wrong).......I do not know the laws, which is why I have to be certain about these facts. Like I said, I am taking advise from here and others (thank you again). Am drafting the letter today. If (big if) I did illegally park I would have paid the fine: I need my van for work. Thank you.
  4. I'm sorry, but as I said, I haven't seen this ticket. TASKenforcement told me it was issued on Bromley Road, Downham, on September 30th, 2013. I don't know what time. That is all I know: I am not sure if it was Bromley Council, TFL or somebody else who issued this ticket. All I know is that on Tuesday Mr Sanz put a clamp on my van which was parked "off road" in the driveway (I have photos). Yesterday the van along with my tools and materials needed for work was taken. Today I have been trying to find out who issued the ticket, what my "offence" was and when did it happen ? Paul.
  5. If the question is "Who supplied the ticket" I do not know. I haven't seen any Parking Ticket. Not sure whether to put the details on here in "the open". Sorry Paul.
  6. Me too. All I have is a TASKenforcement ltd "Notice of Seizure of Goods & Inventory". On there are Warrant Numbers & Penalty Charge Numbers. I genuinely do not know who issued the ticket on September 30th. Will PM you the details.
  7. Thanks again for your reply. Now I have the date and location I admit it may have been my van & myself, although I am not 100% either way. The location is Bromley Road, Downham, not Bromley as the bailiff told me. I have contacted TFL and asked them if they have any photo's or copies of any ticket issued as I have seen nothing from them. Awaiting their reply.
  8. Nope, am going to Bromley Council tomorrow (the bailiff mentioned September & Bromley), thats basically all I know. Sorry.
  9. Afternoon. 1). I received none of these in the post, and the van is registered at this address. 2). Unsure of what the ANPR system is: The van was parked "off road" in the driveway. 3). Paid £xxxx for it last April. 4). No finance, paid "cash". 5). Insurance is for "personal & business" use. 6). No sign writing, just a simple white-van (man). Hope this helps. The van was removed today between 09.00 & 15.00 from the driveway, it has the majority of my tools & materials (underlay, gripper, doorbars,etc) onboard. Thank you for your interest and advise. Paul.
  10. I am sorry, but I've no idea how to post images,etc. I can send an e-mail with letters attached, but that really is about it with me & computers. Sorry.
  11. Hello again. [update:] Just got back from the Doctors/Northover centre and the van has been taken from my driveway, along with all my tools.
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