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  1. Thanks Porky, My previous message, written before I saw yours, alludes to that too. The other driver would/should not have made a manoeuvre until it was clear for them to do so. As previously mentioned g/f described the frost or mist on the window as "unbelievable", plus with the acceleration mistake she took quite a whack. V
  2. Hi, I didn't see the post from you Conniff u until just now. She was turning right but I think it was more about timing. she had already approached the turning and the other driver arrived at the junction at around the time she had began making her manoeuvre. He stated he stepped on the accelerator instead of the break! I guess g/f would still have right of way regardless of timing, as the other driver would have needed to cross two lanes (he wanted to turn right) and would need to wait until completely clear. Thanks u
  3. Hi again, That makes a lot of sense. It's very frustrating as you can imagine but its balancing it with stress and hassle of prolonging it. I guess she will have to make a decision although what she does. The third party left the scene without any details, then provided false details (or at least incorrect details like the wrong reg), then ultimately gave correct details. By chance g/f was speaking to the Police, in the Police station, as he text her with details that were ultimately incorrect. One saving grace is she has not got no claims in abundance so if she takes a hit on that it won't be a lot. Thanks again for the advice - I'm holding out that he rescinds his no fault position. Here's hoping.
  4. Thank you for all of that information. Some of this I do not know but will try and find out off my g/f. I believe the police are no longer involved now as the third party did eventually give details and they were correct. I would not know about the MOT - if he did not, would it just make his insurance void rather than be in my g/f favour with the claim? I too would guess his insurance was very high. I do believe there was a suspicion of drink driving, although it was mid-morning (the day after a heavy night perhaps), by my g/f friend, but again I do not think the police were looking in to this. I am unsure if the Police were mentioned prior to him leaving the scene - would this be relevant? Thank you for the info about getting back on the road. She has a small FIAT so you can imagine the damage. There is talk of it being written off but of course one can't be sure until it's been thoroughly looked at. She has just informed me that she DOES have legal cover. Again. thank you for taking the time out to help (everyone)
  5. Hi, No they did not. He did stop and I think he was given the benefit of the doubt so the police weren't informed immediately. it's on record that she went to the police station and she has kept a time line of events.
  6. Thank you, I am assuming there are no cameras around. It is in a built up area but more of a small close. However this is worth checking out. Thanks again, hopefully someone can help
  7. In summary my girlfriend was in a collision with another. Her passenger can vouch for the events 1. Girlfriend about to turn in to side road 2. other car came out and crashed in to side of girlfriends car 3. Other driver apologises, takes full responsibility - windows fully misted and not cleared. 4. other driver leaves scene without giving details 5. other driver difficult to get hold of, non committal to giving details. 6. details eventually given 20 hours later. 7. Girlfriend has contacted her own insurance and eventually police re other drive driver details 8. Other driver given false details! (recently retained licence after disqualification for drink driving to boot). Full details eventually given. 9. Other driver now claiming girlfriends fault Currently a dispute and girlfriend is under 25 so cannot get a hire care via insurance. She is dreading a long process and living out in the stick this is a huge upheaval for her. Anyway - can anyone advise further or maybe shed light on the other drivers history being taken into account. I guess not giving details at time and giving false details are NOT admission of guilt, and common sense probably won't prevail. Any advice/comments/experience of this from other forum users will be great. Thank you
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