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  1. I have had the £70 accepted by the Council. Been warned this is my last chance or they will go to court for eviction. The council tax I will sort out in 2 weeks time and make an offer of £25 per week when I have the finances to start paying. Thanks to everyone with the advice here.
  2. I have telephoned the Council Officer in charge but had to leave a voicemail as no-one available. I have told them I can pay £100 this weekend and increase payments from the week after to £70 to get the arrears down quicker. I really hope I get another chance to sort this out. At this moment I can't think about Council Tax. I am really struggling with things and just want to keep home as a priority.
  3. If they apply for the warrant of execution how long would I have before eviction? I can pay £100 this weekend for rent but I don't really want to face a council officer after last time. I met a council officer last time in September and talked through what I paid out. He couldn't understand when the figures didn't match up and he got heated as couldn't understand why I was in arrears. Which is fair enough but couldn't admit to gambling addiction. I have been getting help for gambling addiction but one slip in 6 months has devastated my finances. I am leaving Council Tax/other debts as I want to keep the house above my head. The pressure I am under is immense finding it difficult to cope with. Thanks for reply.
  4. My first post here as in desperate need of advice. I am at this point £750 in rent arrears which have mounted up over 4 years. I had a suspended possession order in court when arrears were £875 in October. Up to 2 weeks ago I kept to the £56 weekly rent but have slipped with a gambling addiction problem and not paid in last 2 weeks. I get paid weekly of £175 each Saturday and will definitely make a payment 1st thing Saturday. I can't pay £168 this Saturday in one go (2 weeks missed rent plus current payment). I need help urgently as can't face life on the streets. I also owe 2 years council tax which hasnt been paid and various other debts which haven't been paid in years. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
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