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Everything posted by lqbx

  1. Hi, I am currently going through this whole process and as it stands I have missed out on 175 weeks worth of CSA thanks to a mistake they made back in sept 2010. Its taken them until now to send me my first payment table but not yet recieved a penny. I already contacted the ICE just to get my claim started. Now iv been told the ex must pay fot 6 months before they decide what to do next and it will go to the special payments team. Today I recieved a letter to say that the ex has been asked to pay too much in arrears (5 weeks worth) which is another kick in the teeth as he's yet to pay anything towards his children (we split june 2010!) Anyway im worried that they are going to brush the whole thing off and they are not giving me any information as to what is happening. Im interested to know how far you took your case and did you get the full arrears back in the end?
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