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  1. Well its d-day monday for the early payment discount, I guess realy its my fault for not ensuring it gets to them and to be honest I cant be doing with the hassle of fighting it. Just what they want people like me think hey!Think im going to pay it this time and learn from it, everything I send to them now will be special delivery. You only get stung once! I think 15yrs is way too long, im sure you wont have a problem contesting that one! If mine was over a year old theres no way id be paying it!
  2. Hi all! I've received a letter today from the DVLA (which the "Enforcement officer" hasn't even bothered to sign) stating that I have failed to notify them of the disposal of a vehicle. But I haven't disposed of it, I sold the vehicle back in 19/10/2013 filled out the V5c, sent it to them 2 days later. The new keeper obviously hasn't received the v5c back and has applied for a new one (I have done this before in a similar situation). So they want to charge me £55 to settle out of court, or £35 if paid early. I don't think I should pay this as I don't think I haven't done anything wrong. I filled out their form as usual, sent it to them as usual, but now its my fault?? I have bought and sold over 50 vehicles in the last 6yrs and have never had a problem, I always send the paperwork off within a few days and all has been well. My question is, what should I do? Shall I bend over and take one off the DVLA, or try to fight it and not pay and risk end up paying more. I know its only £35 which normally I wouldn't have a problem paying a fine for something that I've done wrong but in this case I believe I haven't! Thanks, Marc.
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