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Confused kid

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Everything posted by Confused kid

  1. Thanks for your advice Sidewinder, that has definitely made it alot easier for me to understand! Do you have any advice on job hunting? I assume I will have to put this company down for a reference as I have worked for them for over 3 years. I think they normally give a standard reference of job title and dates worked, would they also add to that I was dismissed for gross misconduct? If they did add it to a reference would a future potential employer be able to ask my ex employer what the gross misconduct was for? I dont know if its worth finding another job in retail now after this or trying to find something else :/
  2. So am I not entitled to the 2 weeks of pay when I was suspended with pay?
  3. I dont want to go into too much detail here but my dad had a heart attack, as I work in Scotland and my parents live in England, I rang my manager and said I needed time off to go visit him, which I was allowed 5 days for. My dad started to get better and I returned to work, a few weeks later my dad`s health became worse, i couldnt focus at work, and asked for a few days off to go back and visit him and was told by my manager I couldnt have any more days off due to the inflexibility of the rest of the staff in the team and as assistant manager of the shop I had responsibility to work the days I was rota`d in for. After being refused time off, out of desperation to see my dad thats when I faked the sick days and got caught out. Do you know how I would contact ACAS? I had one somewhere, I`ll need to find it,
  4. I worked for the company for over 3 years I was dismissed for dishonesty/ breach of trust, got caught faking sick days to take more time off to visit my sick dad in hospital.
  5. Hello everyone, I`m in need of some advice please! I was sacked yesterday at a disciplinary hearing at my work place, I was given a summary dismissal for gross misconduct. Before the disciplinary hearing I was suspended with pay for two weeks. As I was fired do I still get paid for the two weeks I was suspended? I know that I will be paid for outstanding holidays I have accrued and I am not entitled to "notice pay". Also what is notice pay? Thanks, Confused kid
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