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Everything posted by stevenhomz

  1. Yes I would be prepared to do that I hate the fact that they think they can walk all over people and force them to pay even for faulty products. I will look into it and then ring three and give them the opportunity to remove the default before I take action. Thanks for the advice
  2. The contract was eventually cancelled by them two months after i handed back the device, incurring an £85 charge which i refused to pay on principle and this is the default on my credit file
  3. I'm using step change ( formally the CCCS ) for my dmp and I have too say its excellent one you enter it all the interest stops on your outstanding debts and they dont charge a penny. Wont help on your previous bank charges but it will get you out of a financial hole you thought impossible.
  4. I purchased an s3 i while ago on the 3 network pay monthly and had many technical issues with the handset which resulted with the phone being sent away for repair. I was left without a phone for three weeks until it returned. This happened twice and until I upgraded my phone again with three but this time for (stupidly) another samsung, the note2. after about six weeks the phone failed again and i was told i would have to send it away again. I refused and demanded an immediate replacement and was told no the phone would just be sent away for repair continuously until the warranty expired. I refused to accept this and marched back into the three store handed back the product and refused to pay them any longer. I subsequently received a default on my credit file. Is there any way to remove this as it is non payment due to what i believe is them not holding up to their responsibilities in the contract. P.S. will never buy samsung again
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