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  1. Hi, Just a quick one if anybody can help. I got my Allocation Questionnaire from the bank and am up to the fees section. On the front of the letter I recieved it says £100 is payable on cliams over £1500. AS i am only enclosing £680 do I tick 'NO' for this box??? Cheers!
  2. Hi, just found the templates so am okay for most of the above but does anybody know about the fees section. It doesn't anywhere to say N/A just yes or no but as far as I am aware I dont have to pay any costs at this point. On the I got letter is says'where the claim is over £1500 include court fees of £100.2 My claim is only for £680 tho!!!
  3. Hi Jake, I am emigrating to Australia in ten days and am in a similar problem, as far as I am aware, we can delegate someone else to handle this if it ends up going to court but thats all i'm aware of. I think tho, as long as we can get our letters redirected or get our addresses changed to say our parents, we can then do everything throught them. i.e. they can open our letters for us and we can sned the replies ouselves. If you know someone who has a scanner they can scan you copies of everything you need too.
  4. Okay so Im finally at the stage i have been waiting for and dreading in equal measure and my Allocation Questionnaire has arrived and I have some questions; Firstly, The defence from the bank on the questionnaire is pretty comprehnsive. If I was a judge I'd give the money to the bank. In particular the first point worries me... "The particulars of the claim do not provide details or particulars of the precise charges alledged to have been unlawful, or the date thereof." Is this standard cause when i did the claim online I followed all the advice and put in details I was told to do. I they still trying to scare me off??? Secondly, do you think its worth me contacting the bank and asking them if they would like toi settle, or will this show them that i am getting worried about loosing. I ask this cause I am moving to Australia oon the 19th and if possible would like to get this sorted asap. Thirdly, the questionnaire wants to know how many winesses I intend to call in court shall I just say myslef? Finally, should I put anything in section G 'Other Information' Thanks for any help in advance. Cheers!!!
  5. Hello, I have been at this for what seems like ages now and am finally getting to crunch time. As such have some questions... Firstly, I put a claim in against Barclays on the at the end of August. Not able to get online alot but last week there was no defence and today there is (im assuming they put the defence in at the last possible moment). But I still havent recieved a Court Allocation Questionnaire . How long do these normally take to arrive? Secondly, I am emigrating to Australia on the 19th November and have come to realise that I may have been a little silly putting in a claim so close to this date. Assuming I get the questionaire and send it off, am I likely to get paid the full amount before the court date (as I think happens in most cases) and if it goes to court do I have to attend to win even if they dont show up. Could I send my Dad to represent me perhaps??? Thanks for all your help. I fully believe in doing this but boy is it nerve racking stuff. Cheers in advance for all your help!
  6. I signed for a house last year and appart from the landlord being completely usless it was a good year. At the end of this year I contacted the landlord to ask if Icould extend my one year contract to two and they said that would be fine, all I had to do we send them a letter confirming that I want to extented the contract to two years. The next day I printed something out saying something like "I agree to extend our contract for this residence untill the 31st June 2007" etc etc, signed and dated it. I am now moving to Australia ans so really dont want this house and cant find anyone to take up my contract. Does the peice of paper I gave to the landlords constitue as a legally binding contract? Will it be worth my while to try to just move out? I have no issues about loosing my bond, I just cant afford to pay rent for somewhere I dont live. Cheers for your help, Graeme
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