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  1. If you check review centre you'll find a few with same problem, theses other sites too just google Tesco car cancelled. Tescos answer to my complaint was that their WAS similar but that they got away with them. My friend even worked in Tesco bank in Glasgow and he said he had this type of problem many times.
  2. Had some good news from the Ombudsman. Tesco have been told to give me a letter of indemnity stating that I should have been fully insured, the impound fee paid, all cancelations removed and £500 compensation. Tesco are a complete sham of an insurance company, they even fought this all the way but the ombudsman made their final decision. Its a shame for a lot of other drivers have just accepted Tesco failings and not fought their case as I've seen a lot on various forums. Thanks for your help.
  3. Had some good news from the ombudsman. Tesco have been told to: give me a letter of indemnity stating that I should have been fully insured, the impound fee paid, all cancelations removed and £500 compensation. Tesco are a complete sham of an insurance company, they even fought this all the way but the ombudsman made their final decision. Its a shame for a lot of other drivers have just accepted Tesco failings and not fought their case as I've seen a lot on various forums. Thanks for your help.
  4. I took out a fully comprehensive car insurance policy with Tesco Bank on November 3rd which I paid in full. On November 30th I received an email asking for proof my NCD which I sent to them that day to the freepost address given. This was the last I heard from them. On 13th Jan I was pulled by police and told my car was showing as uninsured. I told them this was a mistake as I had paid in full for the year with Tesco. I was able to log onto my bank on my mobile to show the payment to the police. I then called Tesco to find out what the problem was? To my complete shock it turns out they cancelled my policy due to not receiving my NCD. I asked why I was wasn’t notified of this and they claimed five letters were sent. I was told as my policy was cancelled there was nothing they could do. My car was then seized by police and I was charged with driving with no insurance. I was then left to walk miles home in the pouring rain without a coat. Also I had no car to take my little girl to school in the morning and no pram for my two year old as it was in the boot of the car. I called them up again to try and resolve this matter and received different stories each time. It changed from five letters to seven letters, then to four letters. Then I was told it wouldn’t have been letters it would have been emails as I had applied for the policy online. Later that day I was called by a manager and told it was one letter that was sent on 19th Dec. Tesco had sent me no letter’s or emails after the 30th November. Any normal insurer would have just given a quick call to you or your previous insurer but Tesco just cancel rather than do this. I had to pay £150 to get my car from the impound and hundreds more for another insurance policy as Tesco were unwilling to reinstate mine. A part refund for my Tesco policy was not in my bank yet so I had to borrow money to get my car insured again and out of the impound or it would have been crushed. I’ve been looking online for evidence of this situation from other Tesco customers and have found quite a few with almost the exact situation. Also I have spoken to my friend who worked with Tesco Bank for over two years. He told me that he personally dealt with this situation almost daily. He reckons it’s a problem with their automated system or maybe an admin error and is willing to help me if this matter does go to court. I put a formal complaint into Tesco and a few weeks later I got a replay from them offering me half my impound fee but without admitting fault apart from saying they could make improvements. Instead of simply reinstating my policy they would rather let me face a criminal record, 6 penalty points, a fine and thousands in increased premiums. I even told them of the proof I have of other Tesco customers with this problem and that a former employee told me this happened all the time, but still they were unwilling to help claiming their underwriter’s won’t allow them to reinstate. I am disgusted at the way Tesco Bank have treated me on this matter. When I took the policy out I thought I was being insured by a good company going by the Tesco name, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. If only I had checked their reviews first. My previous insurer Hastings was only was only £10 more to stay with them. Going with Tesco could cost me so much I hate to think how much. I have contacted the financial ombudsman hope they find the truth so I don’t end up being prosecuted for Tesco’s mistakes. If anyone else has had similar problems with Tesco please let the ombudsman know about it.
  5. I went to speak to the police yesterday. They said it's out of their hands now as it will be already sent to the ticket office for the proceedings to be started. I'm going to take it further with Tesco I think, I appreciate them offering me something but it's really not enough considering it was their admin team or system that has caused everything. I'm going to ask if they could reinstate the original insurance policy but if not I think I will be going to the FOS and taking them to court if need be.
  6. I have lodged a complaint with Tesco, and received a reply tonight not admitting fault but being sympathetic in how I haven't received any letters ect. They can't provide any proof of any letters or emails being sent apart from saying it's on the system that they have been. They also offered me £75 towards the £150 I had to pay to release my car from the impound. They also said that the letter saying my insurance has been cancelled was sent out after they cancelled it and said that they admit that I would not have known it was cancelled due to the timescale of the posting of the letter (which I still haven't received!). I'm going to provide this letter to the police in the hope that my charges are dropped before it goes to court. I'd be grateful if anyone has any thoughts on this as I'm not sure about the in's and out's of mitigation and special cases? I have been reading forums and reviews ect and it seems that this is a regular occurrence. The letter states how they will change things in the company to avoid it happening to anyone else. My friend also worked for Tesco car insurance for two years in their call centre and said that similar things happened daily. If the police don't accept this I will be contacting the financial ombudsman again and taking it further. I'm not overly concerned about the money that it's cost me it's the points on my licence that concern me more.
  7. I was stopped by police! I had paid in full on November 3rd and had sent them in my no claims. I then was pulled over by the police on the 14th January for having no insurance, I called them up in the police car to which they said it had been cancelled due to not receiving my NCD. I explained it had been sent in and why did they not contact me to tell me they hadn't received it. They then said that they had sent 4 letters which I didn't receive. I then asked them to reinstate my insurance but by this point the police had already arranged to seize my car and the recovery company were on their way, they told me that they couldn't reinstate it as it was against their policy to insure impounded cars! So, my car was taken away I was then charged with no insurance which is 6 points and a £300 fine. I then had to take out a new policy as I couldn't get my car back until it was insured. The cheapest cover I could get was nearly £200 more than the original Tesco one. I then had to pay £150 for the impound fee. When I contacted Tesco again I was told they had sent 7 letters, 4 letters, then 5 letters then no letters as it would have been emails, asked for proof of the emails then it changed to no emails and 1 letter! Every single member of staff I spoke to told me something different and had no interest in trying to help me at all. I also asked why they didn't phone me, which their reply was "we don't phone customers". now I'm facing court with the charge for no insurance and have had to pay hundreds of pounds because Tesco can't send a letter or contact you by phone to tell you they haven't received documents which they could have got themselves by simply calling my previous insurer which most insurance companies do anyway. Total joke of a company!
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