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Everything posted by Soccerkid66

  1. Thank you so to be clear I have little or no rights and the really don't need a reason to get rid of me?
  2. I work in a 6th Form delivering Education through a sports course. I have been their for 8 years and I invoice the school directly. The school has been taken over and lots of changes have taken place. I was called in about 3 months ago and received a pep talk from the head saying we must improve standards. I agreed and welcomed this and stated I would do everything in my power to support this but as I attend only half the week it would be challenging as they spend a lot of time out of my sight so to try to effect dress code would be difficult. At the meeting nothing in writing was given to me no minutes or anything at all to suggest that what they had actually done was given me a verbal warning. I have received no induction have no contract none of the updated procedures around school have been explained at all. They have called me in and said they are letting me go as the standards have no improved.8 years no contract which is my fault no verbal written warning at all no support or information about disciplinary procedures in school no induction nothing. I feel harshly treated don't want anyone to get the violins out but do I have any rights at all around basic working conditions etc..?
  3. OK so a big part of the case was that the DWP and the LA differed in the time frame by some 10 years with the same evidence. The Barrister who put together some of the papers argued that the DWP stated that my partner was entitled to income support for the exact same period that my partner was not entitled to Housing benefit according to the LA. In 2014 the LA emailed the DWP to ask them to change their decision and the DWP refused. Then at the hearing the Judge made her decision on the evidence provided the paperwork and testimony. The solicitor said he had done 100`s of these cases but none where the at although they said she was entitled to income support she was not entitled to housing benefit for the same period.
  4. So if it is stated that the decision has been made on representations, testimony on the day and evidence produced can this be a mistake in Law?
  5. Attended a Tribunal Yesterday regarding a very large overpayment for each HB and CT. The tribunal listened to My partner and myself and the reps from the local authority. We have been told we have won the appeal on the grounds of the testimony provided by myself and my partner and the fact that they could not prove their allegation that we were living together for the period in question and the written evidence we submitted along with the local authority. My question is can the LA appeal the decision that has gone in our favour.
  6. Again apologise for ignoring response and very grateful for any advice.
  7. It is for a considerable amount of Money and it looks to me like they have enough evidence to seek overpayment but from their letter I don't think they have enough to seek a criminal conviction however as it is nearly 100,000 I would guess it will mean crown court for her.
  8. I certainly can. I was a landlord from 2001 until 2011 to a lady who had 2 children and unfortunately suffers with mental health issues. She has been awarded disability benefit indefinitely and lived in my property and caused no issues or problems. The tenancy agreement did not include a large garage at the bottom of the garden and I used it from 2003 onwards as an office where I ran my small business from. My residency was with my elderly parents who live some 20 miles from the house and on some occasions I stayed in my office which contained a sofa bed, Fridge, Microwave, etcc. I Helped the tenant as much as possible as I genuinely felt sorry for her as her son was basically an ******* who worked but refuse to help his mother and would not pay towards anything etc. She asked him to leave and he moved in with his grandmother but begged to come back. He came back and she informed the Council who told her that should would receive reduced council tax benefits and basically said he should contribute. He gamble most of his money so my tenant had to find the money herself. Stupidly on odd occasions after hearing her sob stories and knowing what he was like I agreed to help her out and occasionally would let her off 50 100 and sometimes 200 of the rent she gave me. She repaid me by cooking for me occasionally and cleaning the office. No money was given to me to her for this ever. The police came into the house one morning when I was actually using the toilet and arrested us both and we were interviewed where our stories matched and we have been accused of being a couple from the outset although I had viewed the house with my partner at the time which can be verified by the previous owner. DWP believe the explanation however they feel we were a couple from when I started helping which was 2011.Local authority don't believe us even though DWP and want repayment from 2001.We lodged an appeal last August and the local authority have sat on the paperwork since until Feb 2015 without even acknowledgement of the appeal. We have a new solicitor as the old one was completely useless and in a letter from the local authority they state that they feel and I quote `In all probability ` We were a couple from the outset, which is nonsense. No information from DWP or LA with any indication of Criminal proceedings. This all started back in May 2013.I now live in the house in a separate bedrooms and Ex tenant is getting help from her mother and son as I have threatened to find another tenant. She still suffers from some serious mental issues and this has made it significantly worse. Still feel for her and am trying to help he.
  9. Can anyone advise me hear. My partner has been seeking a tribunal hearing and made a request in August 2014 for a hearing. They sent a letter saying from the evidence they presume in all probability she was receiving payments when she should not have for one reason or another. We have awaited the tribunal hearing date only to be told by he council that no tribunal date has been applied for although they have our letter asking for one. The local authority have sent through a big folder with their evidence an when we told our solicitor he said he id not need to see it until we receive the actual date? which baffles me. My questions are should we look for someone else to represent her and can she be criminally prosecuted on the balance of probability?
  10. Is their anyone who could advice me of how to obtain woolwich bank statements for 2004. Thanks
  11. The DWP have given her a letter with the amount to be paid back and the reason stating that I joined the household on this certain date. My question is will the LA take into account the findings of the DWP
  12. A while ago I posted on hear about my former girlfriend being investigated for benefit fraud. The 2 agencies involved are DWP and he local authority. I am involved and are being investigated also and we have been interviewed and gave honest and frank separate interview. The case is based around me moving in on a part time bases with her after being her landlord and seeing her socially for 2/3 months. Her benefits have stopped and although we are now friend we have not carried the relationship on. While her benefits have stopped her son and mother are paying her bills. I have put the rent on hold and will sell the property as his is resolved one way or another. My question THE DWP have given us a date when they believed I moved in which was in writing and the figures they are asking for to be paid back are from this date.It co-insides with the rough timeline date we both gave in our interviews. The issue now is that the local authority are suggesting a completely different date/ which is obviously longer. My question is should they not communicate and give us the same date for the housing benefit and council tax to be paid back as the DWP are asking for and have given us in writing?
  13. She has called the DWP today and they are saying why are you agreeing to pay back if you feel that you have a case to argue? Also they would not/could not say if she will be prosecuted. Its so difficult how to proceed. Our solicitor seems useless.
  14. After speaking to a solicitor today she seems to think that as they have sent us a letter with figures etc this means they will accept an offer to repay?
  15. The main question is after she has received a letter giving her the details and amount of overpayment does this suggest that they will accept an agreement to repay without prosecution?
  16. Sorry what I mean is where are you going to redirect it to so I can maybe look at anyone who posts a reply
  17. Thanks for your advice and I completely agree that it does not look good at all. HB Can you tell me where I can go to view any advice at all. What she is desperate to understand is that does the letter of offer to pay back or enter into an agreement to payback mean they may not prosecute and also can I be prosecuted myself?
  18. Hello to everyone on this site and I hope someone can give me and a friend some much needed advice. I am a landlord of a property and have rented my property out to a women who has 2 children since 2001.I was very good friends with her step father who I have known for 20 years. The property was pretty run down and as I have been on a low income for a number of years agreed to let my friend keep up the maintenance on the property in return for a lower rental charge. I have a small business and he agreed to turn the garage into a storage/office space for me with the agreement that I paid for all of the materials. I visited the property regularly and my friend often came down to the office to chat and have cups of tea etc. In 2012 the lady complained of Rats getting into the property through the kitchen that had not been renewed for years and asked if I would renew the kitchen as she was terrified as were her children . I agreed and again my friend did some of the work along with a friend of mine from where I lived. Over this time I got to know the lady a little more and we got on quite well and we started seeing each other socially. In this time that I had got to know her it came to my attention that she had some issues around cleanliness and she opened up to me about her mental issues that had been on going over 20 years. This was centred around being obsessive with various things and being a hypochondriac It turns out that she had been thrown out of three doctors in the last year and was taking tablets like they go out of fashion. Through all of this a quite liked her and felt for her with these issues and our socialising grew and we were seeing each other more and more. We spoke about living together but as she had 2 children and these issues I was unsure although we got on quite well her son lived in the property and was unwilling to contribute to any of her bills etc even though he was working. I suggested that she asked to help or move out and he chose to move out. She had informed the Social security that he was living their and the lady had to find extra money to put towards the council tax payment, again he would not contribute so he moved in with his grandmother. I stupidly agreed to stay at the house as she was scared of staying their with her younger daughter with no man in the house. I used her sons bedroom and helped her out financially when I could although she was responsible for her bills etc.. This went on for over a year and I then insisted that she had to gain work if our relationship was to continue. She gave out 50 CV`s and her metal history kept being a barrier to her finding work.One morning bang bang on the door and in came the police etc.We were taken to the police station and interview seperately under caution where we both gave the same staement (the truth) and subsiquently 6/7 months later the DWP have written to her saying she has had an 8,600 overpayment and she has to pay it back. We dont know if they are going to prosecute on top of this and she is worried as she has no money and is struggling to find employment because of ther mental state.She has sen numerous doctors etc about her condition and is on lots of medication.She even failed the drugs test in the police station. My character is very good as my work is working with disabled young people and ex offenders with re-abillitation. We were silly and i should have known better than to stay at the property although i spent most of the week at my own house.She is petrified and inconsolable and although she has Recieved this letter is still worried they will proecute her. I am also unsure if they will prosecute me futher down the line.Any advice or help would be a massive help to us.
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