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  1. Attachements pending approval by moderator not sure why as havent been told
  2. here is an email to say why 888 didnt accept my mums win? I was going to show the gesture of goodwill letter but unsure if can disclose this for my mum so only showed quotation with names deleted. .. I have deleted names on the following email too they offered my mum £50 to say why they beleive it was a screen error? and then a further £500 was offered so in total received the gesture of goodwill of £550.00 to which was described as in letter the letter for the gesture of good will states £500... ... this was the letter to accept the further £500 for my mum. ...quote "Having fully reviewed your correspondence with us, C******* E******* (G*****) Limited (“C*****”) is willing to make to you a one-time bonus in the amount of 500 (GBP) (the “Bonus”). For the sake of clarity we emphasize that this is a bonus. The Bonus shall be made to you not as an admission of any wrongdoing on our part whatsoever but in light of your history with C****** E********. With the clear condition that you acknowledge that this resolves all of the issues you have encountered in your correspondence." but I will not disclose anymore for my mum just to show that she was ripped off!!!
  3. I got this £550 two years ago the point was I enquired about solicitors and could charge me about £4000 to which I wasnt guaranteed to win really I have print screened the so called screen error lol as I dont want to touch the original screen shot of £10k I did win my point was if there was any screen errors on bingo site you get a error message to state this but there wasnt they said I won a £1 the amount I wagered on the scratch card was impossible to win £10k apparently which is [naughty word] lol as it shows clearly I did win this !!!! As you can see this doesnt appear to be a screen error!!!
  4. They gave me a gesture of goodwill of £550.00 and sent me a letter via email not to disclose information regarding this matter.. .. I gave up in the end as the Gambling Commisioner in Gibralter stood by them to actually pursue in court I didnt have the funds to pursue further I do however have all documents and screenshots still saved just in case there is any way I could get what was owed to me one day?
  5. Hi there elaina When I tried dealing with this I was passed from pillow to post and after six months of battling they still said it was a screen error I had got on to solicitors to whom wanted paying up front costing upto £3000 max for costs due to not having a solicitor in UK whom could deal with this as it had to be someone for Gibralter to which Cassava sites are? My husband has since looked at the correspondence they sent me for me to except £500 gesture of good will? and the wording doesnt look right... as I am not in good health I didnt read through it properly so be careful any wording you may get? I am not allowed to share this letter as it is worded I can't so again this illustrates it is dodgey? The Gambling Commisioner in Gibralter may help you but he was useless with me didnt want to listen about me loosing the £10k I had rightfully won. Good luck x.
  6. aburobert, you have said same as me I got onto the Uk Gambling Commision and asked why can these sites in Gibralter not be licensed in the UK but allowed to advertise on UK television, promote how wonderful they are, but they dont want to pay what people have won fair and square, the said they are looking into this, but I guess nothing will be done...... I wont give up my fight though, I won fair and square what I won !!!!
  7. Thanks so much Coniff for your reply I will try this, got nothing else to loose I guess x
  8. its in Gibralter I know as I have been passed from pillow to post and I have contacted the Commisioner and as 888 ladies havent had complaints he isnt dealing with this matter, he did agree though there is no wording to say £10,000 cant be won from a 50p stake and he said he would present this to them..... just like saying to Lottery you cant win a million for a £1..... just another lame excuse I have had, but again as soon as I won this, I got all the terms and conditions and there is no wording stating what they had said to me!!!!! The terms say you will have a winner banner to clearly state what is won and I did!!!!!
  9. here is the screen shot I have printed it out but removed my username, not right they getting away with this!!!! there is NO Screen error display. it clearly states I am a winner with the prize showing......[ATTACH=CONFIG]49978[/ATTACH]
  10. Hi there I have contacted 5 solicitors via email and none have replied havent a clue what to do?
  11. Thanks so much for your help I have emailed various Solcitiors in Gibralter now along with the rules of the game and the screenshot of my win. I am not expecting much help to be honest x.
  12. Hi there, I have got onto some sites of solicitors in Gibralter, but they have not replied?
  13. Please is there anyone with any suggestions? I notice I cant get onto even onto some newspapers about this, as two of these Newspapers have their own bingo sites and their run by Cassava Enterprise so they aren't going to listen to me as they are a subsidiary of this Enterprise too.... Please I don't think they should be able to get away with this as I won this fair and square? Even got an email of the Commissioner saying that the screen shot could have been adapted, what a cheek? I am sure some tech person can investigate to see my screen shot is a genuine? What a cheek!!! The Gibraltar Commissioner isn't interested what so ever and said I should just except it I didn't win this £10,000 as it was a screen error!!!! as he hasnt had any complaints from 888 before he isn't pursuing my complaint any further? I have got onto Solicitors on a "No win no fee" and they don't want to help me neither, or cant help due to Gibraltar law? I have got onto Law Commission of Gibraltar and I haven't heard anything as of yet? again they probably wont want to listen neither??? so I just wondered if there was anyone that can help me of any further suggestions? Thanks.
  14. Thanks for your reply renegadeimp, this site has annoyed me so much as you have guessed lol the gambling commissioner has since got back to me and said that ppl can photo shop their screenshots, and I was like what your joking arent you , i have said to him I am getting on to the press as I am sick and tired of getting excuses, I have told him I know all about the bingo software cassava use as it has been up and running for 16 years so how can it make errors like it is saying it is!!!! it is rubbish I told the Commissioner I am not letting it drop and I wont give up until I get what I am owed, and as I have got onto the gambling commission in Uk I have expressed that Gibralter sites shouldn't be able to advertise their rubbish as they have no license in the UK, I do hope they listen to that as I will make as much media knowledge as they aren't getting away with this advertising their wonderful site!
  15. thanks for your reply, the gambling commissioner has since got back to me and said that ppl can photo shop their screenshots, and I was like what your joking arent you , i have said to him I am getting on to the press as I am sick and tired of getting excuses, I have told him I know all about the bingo software cassava use as it has been up and running for 16 years so how can it make errors like it is saying it is!!!! it is rubbish I told the Commissioner I am not letting it drop and I wont give up until I get what I am owed, and as I have got onto the gambling commission in Uk I have expressed that Gibralter sites shouldn't be able to advertise their rubbish as they have no license in the UK, I do hope they listen to that as I will make as much media knowledge as they aren't getting away with this advertising their wonderful site!!!!!
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