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  1. the only thing i can advise is to keep on at cassava, complain to every-one you can think even if they hold no power over cassava, send copys of all your complaints to 3rd partys, just so they know you wont give, the companys may be powerless, but they might deciede they do not want the negative publicty, my winnings and deposits were only £147.08 so i expect they gave in quicker due to lower amount. they are disgusting they accsepted deposits from me a matter of hours before they banned, deposits i hadnt spent, mis use of bonus was their excuse, because i won and withdraw instead of gambleing it all away, im so sorry they have done this to you, complain to all and sundry and let them know you will not give up, and if at all possible try not to get too stressed, easier said than done i know , i was so stressed i had sleeping tablets prescribed, it wasnt much money, not life changing , but means i can stock up my freezer top up my electric buy my daughters new school shoes, also complain to the advertising commision, we should all be aware before we put money the uk gaming licences have no power. anyway i wish you well, and sorry i cant really be of any help x
  2. hello, i have good news cassava have agreed to refund my deposits which were unused, and my winnings , i complained to the gaming commision, trading standards, advertising, watchdog , anything i could think of! i sent them links to the websites and copys of my letters to these groups, 3 days later, all my money is being given back, so i advise any one in my postion, do not give up, keep making noise
  3. hello, i found this site while searching for help with cassava , yes they have banned me and frozen my accounts today, keeping my money, 2 deposits they took from me yesterday! i have not even used this money i deposited yesterday, so i deposit the last night, go to bed log in to play and cant, they say i am banned and are keeping my money, some of my balance was winnings, some cash deposited a matter of hours before being banned, the excuse is bonus abuse of course, i sometimes used the bonus they sent sometimes not , mostly i did not get bonus as i only deposited min of £5 at a time, which generaly you do not a get a bonus on, costa have £56 , sing £14.96 , cheeky £34 , bubblev £23 any advice? i deposited £5 yesterday , i cant beleive they take my money then a few hours later ban me and keep my freshly deposited cash, this cannot be right
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