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Everything posted by Marukomu

  1. Quick update. I sent the letter asking for the POPLA code and yesterday I received a reply saying my appeal (I never appealed) was reviewed and they had been in touch with their client and had decided as a 'gesture of goodwill' to cancel the penalty! In other words they knew they were getting sod all off me and decided to stop trying. Thanks for all your help guys, another victory!
  2. What should I do now? I did ask for a POPLA code but nothing was mentioned.
  3. No they didn't provide me with that. They basically are saying they have still not recieved the payment and to give all correspondence to the driver that day. Then it says if nothing is paid within 35 days it will be applicable conditions under shecdule 4 of the protection of freedoms act 2012 that they may have the right to claim the charge from me the registered keeper. The next paragraph says they don't have to provide me with a breakdown of their charges at this time but would be provided if it went to court. They also say they have taken legal advice and their charges are justified in that they amount to a genuine pre-estimate of loss and are likely to amount to 'liquid damages.' It goes on and on. They have reduced the rate back to £60 and put it on hold for 35 days. It would be far easier if I could post the image of the scanned letter!
  4. Ok, did what armadillo suggested and got a reply from them but this site won't let me upload images or even link to them! Any advice? Cheers.
  5. Thank you. Is it ok to reply with this via the online option or should it be in writing?
  6. Thank you for the replies. Heres an update. I received a letter from UKPC regarding a 'Notice to Keeper' and saying the fine hasn't been paid and if it isn't paid within 28 days myself the registered keeper will be liable under schedule 4 of the protection of freedoms act 2012 to pay the charge. Any advice on what I should be doing next? Ignore it?
  7. So is it not best to totally ignore the letters that may come through the post like most of the forum members recommended in earlier threads regarding a similar situation?
  8. Hi all, s after receiving a parking charge ticket today I did some Googling and I joined the forum to ask some advice. We visited Moorgate today with our 2 kids and parked up around 13:45. We went to the KFC on site and spent around 40 mins in there. We then went into Halfords where we browsed then left the site and visited Debenhams before returning and going into the Home bargains back on the Moorgate site around 15:15. We bought one item from there (the receipt shows 15:26 as the time of the purchase and I scanned it for proof) and went back to the car within the 2 hours allowed on the sign to find a parking charge ticket on the window from UKPC for £60 for leaving the site! The ticket had even been issued BEFORE we'd actually left the site. We were shocked and disgusted to be honest! The ticket says: time first seen: 14:07 (we were still on site and in KFC at the time) Time issued: 14:30 (we were in Halfords at this point) I was about to contest the ticket and provide all my details until I saw this thread! Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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