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  1. Thank you for the reply - she took out 11 small loans £500 -£700 but they will only look at the ones from 2005 onwards (i.e. 6) - London Scottish would call her and say she can get a top-up loan when the previous loan was nearly finished. her last loan was for £700 and she paid back over £4k - its bloody shocking!! I have to write them a reply now and was just wondering what I should say?
  2. My 80 year old mother had taken out several loans over the years (unknown to us) we looked them out to discover that she had PPI on all of them. She did not know what PPI was nor was it explained to her at the time of the loans and she wasn't asked if she wanted PPI. Needless to say we got her to make a claim. London Scottish is in administration and she was asked to fill out a lengthy claim form for her six loans. I filled out the form for her and in it one question asked was what means she had to cover the loan repayments - she had a state pension and on DLA. The matter was passed to their administrators 'Deloitte' and they have came back asking for proof of her pension in 2005 and stating that she would have needed PPI. I am not clued up on PPI but I would have thought that she had been mis-sold it if she wasn't even asked if she wanted it and was put on her loan without her knowledge, but Deloitte appear to be coming from it different angle ie as if they were evaluating her financial suitability. Where do I go with this one?
  3. Read with interest. I opened an account with Nationwide last year - did not use it until I decided to pay my insurance from the account so set up a direct debit. I paid the money into the account but insurance did not take the money from the account and I later withdrew the money a couple of days later. Now 4 months later I have received a letter from Nationwide stating that I am £65 overdrawn - all due to charges. I have not received any letters before this one about charges, I would have thought they would have informed me the first time they charged me and the second and so on? shouldn't they have?
  4. I was on JSA and received a call from the DWP last month wanting to do some sort of questionnaire - I didn't get the gist of it as I was running out the door at the time of the phone call and asked her to call me back. She called back when I was out to say she would be sending me a letter. I signed on as normal a couple of days later and everything was fine. A week after that I signed off to start my own business. I have now received a letter from DWP Benefit Integrity Centre saying that they have stopped my benefit as I did not respond to the letter - I did not receive a letter ! I am due 2 week JSA payment as JSA is paid in arrears - so I take it I can kiss goodbye to that - it also states that that all benefit will be stopped because I did not reply to said letter - surely they cannot stop my tax credits/child benefit/HB because of this? What is in the letter? I states that I cannot appeal - so what am I to do now?
  5. I haven't got MP involved yet - The manager came back asking me to talk to her on the phone-but I refused as I want her reply in writing. I met with me JCP 'coach', the same one who tried to trick me! he changed my working hours to 30 but re-iterated that they will go up when daughter turns 16! I have looked at the legislation and can't find this anywhere, I can only imagine that they are thinking in terms of leaving a child alone before the age of 16 and have made it up. Will wait to see what manager says on reply then move it up to the next level of complainants system.
  6. UPDATE Received phone call from JCP manager wanting to discuss complaint over the phone. Declined saying I wish to have it in writing. She wrote saying I could have 'restrictions' until child is 16! and that she would prefer to discuss my complaint verbally. I wrote back refusing verbal discussion and asked that she write. So can anyone see in the legislation where it says restrictions are lifted when child turns 16? her condition is a life long one - so why 16?
  7. This is what happened; I had my first interview with a DWP "coach" after finishing with Ingeus. 1) The coach told me he is changing my JSagreement from part-time work to full-time 40hrs per week 2) I told him I could not work 40hrs pw as I am a kid with special needs, I have always been looking for P/T work because of this 3) He said "that's not what's on the system" 4) I showed him my JSagreement which states P/T as I have "restrictions" 5) He took my current agreement, hid it under paperwork I asked for the agreement back, he refused, I demanded he give it back to me; he denied that I had given it to him, he said he had taken it out his folder and it belonged to him, I told him "I have just handed it to you and I want it back right now"! 6) He gave it back 7) He then went through the list of activities he wanted me to perform each week to find work 8) He printed them off and asked me to sign it - I read it thoroughly and signed 9) He then moved another sheet of paper over to me and went on to tell me about work plan diary 10) I picked up the sheet of paper immediately and read that it stated that I would work 40hrs pw with immediate start 11) I asked him what it was and he said your job seekers agreement, I would not sign it as I had already explained I had caring responsibilities 12) He said "too late you have already signed it" and then proceeded to staple the two sheets of paper together to make it look like one document and that the one signature covered both. 13) I told him "you have tricked me" - he denied it! I have emailed the Manager and explained what happened, I have also asked for a copy of all information held on me via Data Protection Act and also asked how JCP could send me a letter 9 months ago stating that I can have restrictions put on number of hours but can't now and also asked that they confirm they will take full responsibility for anything that happens to my daughter while I work the 40hrs a week they are forcing me into!
  8. Thank you for your responses, I have looked at the legislation and can see that they should not be able to do this to me. The advisor said because my child's DLA was stopped (long story) that she is not classed as having "special needs" ! even though her school classes her as such. I shall email his manager and put in a formal complaint. I am sick of these people!!!!!
  9. Hi, I have finished my useless stint with Ingeus and referred back to JCP. My JCP advisor changed my jobseeker agreement from part-time work to 40hr a week with immediate start. He also said I have to look for work 40 hrs a week inc. weekend and that I must log into universal jobmatch everyday to do this. I explained there was a reason I am only looking for part-time work as I have caring responsibilities i.e look after my teenage daughter who has special needs. He ignored me and printed off a list of work seeking activities that I had to do - which I was OK with as it was less than I have been asked to do in the past - once I signed that he gave me another sheet of paper that stated the 40hrs a week work, I told him I was not signing it as I had caring responsibilities, he told me that I had already signed and stapled the two sheets together to make it look like I had agreed and signed to both! I told him in no uncertain terms that it was a dirty trick and was disgusted with him. Where do I go from here as I could not possibly work all those hours and even find it difficult to look for work 6 hours a days 7 days a week due to caring for my daughter? How are people getting on with the weekly planner? - it looks like a tool to sanction people to me
  10. Sorry but this is a long story..... I moved into a property in March 2012, the day I moved in I received a visit from British gas to read my gas metre, he also said British gas supply the electricity but someone else would be along to read that metre. Two weeks later I had a visit from Scottish Power, the guy said I was with them for electricity and proceeded to look around the house to advised me on where I could make efficiency savings, he then proceeding to log into his handheld device to see if I was on the best tariff, he stated that I would be better off switching tariffs and gave me some quotes. thereafter, I received many phone calls from SP to get me to switch tariffs, I refused as I wanted to see what my first bill was so I had the information to make the right decision. Fast forward to June 2013 and I have still to receive a bill from SP but a man did come out to read my metre and told me that I had not received a bill because SP had the house down as "unoccupied", a month later I received my first bill from SP for £1200. I immediately wrote to SP querying why it had taken so long to produce a bill, they blamed me saying I had not allowed SP to read the metre (which is not true). I then wrote asking them why this bill did not come under "back billing", they again blamed me saying that they could not gain access to my property and that they did not have any details of me on their system to produce a bill, again not true as I gave their sales rep all of my details and he imputed them into his system. I am now in dispute with SP who refuse to see this as a disputed bill and are threatening to take me to court. They are also refusing to submit a new bill to me with regards to the electricity I have used since the original bill minus the disputed amount so that I can pay that amount. I have exhausted their complaints procedure and referred the matter to the ombudsman several months ago and have yet to hear from them. What else can I do as they are now refusing to speak to me and refuse to enter into any discussion.
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