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  1. Really? How would I make that application? I was under the understanding that it all comes under constructive dismissal?
  2. Thank you for the reply you gave SWEETLOREAINE, I will look into getting the book. I have a colleague who recently left this company via a tribunal with almost the same issues as me, the company in question wanted to avoid court at all costs as the evidence stacked against them is immense. It was also noted that the representative on her behalf really didn't get all the facts until the day, and basically, had my friend not had her wits about her and know a thing or two about the law she would have still lost. She stood by what was factual, logged, recorded and documented, ( as will I), nothing was ever shown, and court was avoided. I too in the past have had barristers and solicitors and ultimately I was better off representing myself in the past. I know there are some excellent solicitors out there and like you say I could get a good panel or a bad one, and that's with or without a solicitor. I feel I have nothing to loose, and hopefully I can get a little guidance along the way, more for the starting process, I will of course try to get someone unbiased to look at the application too. Had this been a company with a legal section this would have been avoided at all costs, sadly the company can do what and when they like to whom ever they like and answerable to no one. This is wrong.
  3. If I don't earn enough I simply can't afford a solicitor, and the big companies get away with it don't they. I definitely qualify on almost half of the requirements and with statements and evidence I feel like I have nothing to loose.
  4. Yes I have thought about this very seriously, my job I love has been compromised along with the people I work with, I did not want to leave, I have been forced to leave
  5. The cost for solicitors is ridiculous, I only work part time so this is not an option for me. I have however represented my self in court for a few years previous (other issues not relating) and am aware of the way things are done differently. I have been with the company for almost 3 years after transferring from the council (previously employed for the same role for 15+ years) I have been bullied, discriminated against, and been asked to compromise my role which breaks health and safety. And compromises myself and others I work with. I have documents, statements and recorded meetings proving this. I have statements of several other ex employees all within the last year who have resigned for similar reasons, or worse. The company has no HR no Legal therefore you hit a brick wall when even the director of the company fails to acknowledge the concerns and issues.. From the day I gave my notice, I have had further disruption trying to do my job making life difficult whilst I work my notice, (this is even confirmed in an email by yet another manager! ) Any help I can get would be very much appreciated, I understand the hard work that will be involved.
  6. Hi, I have had several meetings, , and I've written complaints and raised issues, with manager and managers above managers. This company has no HR no payrolls no legal section. No one listens and no one resolves issues. I have no other route to take
  7. I am due to leave my employment and want to file constructive dismissal or/and discrimination. Can I represent myself, if so, how do I find out the way to proceed? Can anyone help me?
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