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  1. Thanks ABC, I know now I have been incredibly stupid, I can show the CSA letter to prove the amount of it, the rest of it (that I give him to cover the rent above maintenance) will be on my bank statements as cash being lifted but thats it. Once this interview is sorted (like I say I don't want to do it until I have the interview in case they think I am trying to defraud them) I will get him to transfer the maintenance and set up a DD for the rent to be paid from my account. Thank you again.
  2. Thanks, if it is deemed to be an overpayment will they take me to court or will they just have me pay it back? I think that is what is stressing me out so much, the thought of a court case on top of everything else I currently contend with.
  3. Im sure he would get the bank statements no problem for me, I have the letter from the CSA in my 'important drawer' so can show it. If IS is disregarded then that would just leave HB, if this is the case then I am definitely in the wrong. A genuine error (by me not knowing) it may have been but an error none the less. I can totally understand how it looks to an outsider. It;s hard explaining all the reasons why but in a nutshell 99% of my life is taken over by the boys needs and extra care, the other children and the general running of a home (and I know everyone has to do this stuff im just trying to explain a little) that anything that can be done to make my life a tiny bit easier my ex would do it. Thanks for your replies everyone, I appreciate you taking the time.
  4. No offense taken, I appreciate your help and advice. I will do that from now on, will have this interview on Monday week and then do it, I don't want them to think I am trying to hide something if I do it beforehand if that makes sense. I didn't know I had to declare it? The guy on the phone at CSA said any income from maintainence was not taken into consideration. Is this wrong?
  5. BIB, is that ok though? Am I doing something wrong by doing this?
  6. Yes he has a main address elsewhere that he pays rent, bills on. Its a shared apartment (another reason why he comes to mine so much, he can't have the kids overnight or for very long at his place because of his flat mate) All the children are his and none of them born while I was claiming as single. He has never applied for credit at my address to the best of my knowledge. No post at my address at all, except one from the CSA about a year ago that was sent in error. I telephoned them straight away and it was confirmed that someone was a bit bone idle when doing their job and the letter was sent in error. He hasn't used my address with his employer and his car or license isn't registered here.
  7. I have received a letter asking me to attend an interview under caution in relation to a benefit fraud. Alledgedly living with someone as husband and wife and fraudently claiming income support and housing benefit. I am a single mother to 5 children and do not live with anyone. The childrens father does visit my home regularly, almost every day. He is here to see his children and helps me get them to bed at night because first and foremost he wants to be a good father and secondly because 2 of our 5 children have disabilities and it is incredibly hard for me to deal with, I have no family nearby to help so he is my only source of help at all. He makes no financial contribution to my home apart from paying child maintainence as he was instructed to do so by the CSA. The only thing that may we may be doing wrong, but I am not sure hence asking for advice, is that he pays my rent directly from his account to my landlord every month. The majority of this sum is actually he mainitainence, the remaining sum I then give to him cash so he is not paying more than he should be and my rent is covered. We do this because I am not always able to get into town to deposit the money into my bank account, by him paying it direct I have one less thing to worry about and find time to do (which would ultimately result in me paying my rent late). He does visit our home a lot as I have said, one of the children with a disability only sleeps a few hours at night and never sleeps before midnight. He would help me bath the children and get them into bed, he would then let me go to bed for a few hours and get some sleep. Once our child falls asleep he would wake me to tell me that he is leaving, sometimes this could be 3am. I understand that to someone outside the home this may look like he lives with me but all the bills in my home are in my name and paid by me (aside from the rent which I have explained), he contributes nothing except the CSA money. I would appreciate some help in telling me how the investigation is likely to go once I have given them my explanations. Thanks
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