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  1. We have got the money available to make this payment of £496 but I am waiting on CLA to call me back to advise whether its worth paying it now and stopping this current eviction because I still haven't got a start date for new job let alone a date to start getting paid, so next due payment won't be made (due 28th Jan) so does it make more sense to submit N244 now and hope the judge allows us more time to start job etc or make this payment and then sort out next month when it comes? If not found in our favour I wouldn't have £1400 to pay off total arrears. Also when we've just sat and worked out how much we've paid to Hamlins, I've paid approx £3000 with £1400 still outstanding when arrears were originally £2600, obviously I can go back through bank statements online and prove this, I've asked Santander for statements and they said they will send copies but Hamlins have so far not send me statements of payments I've made despite me asking several times over the last 12 months.
  2. Thanks for the replies, I think I may be able to get the money together for this payment but hamlins are going to want an I+E doing to prove I can pay the next time and so far no start date for new job. Can they cause me a problem because I'm on JSA for a short while?
  3. Thanks for the replies, I'm not sure about the agreement, I'll have to ask her when she gets in
  4. My daughter is on an apprentiship at a photograhy studio. Over xmas and new year they shut for the 2 week period, my daughter has not been paid for this period and she won't ask her boss whether she is to be paid or not. My partner and I are a bit unsure of asking on her behalf as her boss is also a family friend. Any advice?
  5. Hi hope someone can give me advice. I had a repossession order suspended approx 18 months ago, mortgage us with Santander and their lawyers are Hamlins who I now make payments to. Arrears were around 3, 000 and I pay 416 mortgage payment plus 84 to pay off arrears. I recently lost my job and shouldve started my new one with very little gap in between wages going in from old job and first pay from new job, however there has been a major delay due to crb and references not coming through and I missed a payment to hamlins. They have now applied for eviction (not received letter from bailiffs yet) I called hamlins and explained that I was not working at the moment and am receiving JSA for a short term while I was in between jobs but they said that was irrelevant and I have to pay 496.00 by 16/1/14 for them to cancel the eviction. I called civil legal advice and was advised to put in an N244 (is this correct? ) and while CLA couldn't be with me in court, they will send a letter for the judge explaining my circumstances and ask for a period of 8 weeks to allow new job to start and money to start coming in. I am terrified to go to court by myself, I did so for the original repossession hearing and it was awful. Ive been googling for all sorts of advice and came across a company called house eviction.co.uk and called them, they advised that they would represent me at the hearing but charge 199 pounds which isn't payable unless they win. Shall I go with this? Are they above board? Is it worth the money? I am worried as I am still waiting on a start date for new job, I can't prove to a judge that I can maintain future payments as I've currently got no income, I have a job offer in writing but that is all Please help, dont know what to do next.
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