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Everything posted by Jaymi

  1. Hi, I have a copy of the final charging order and it says "£10,220.11, the amount now owing under a judgement or order, together with any further interest becoming due." The debt is now over £35,000, £25,000 is arrears. This was in 2009. Thanks.
  2. Thank you very much for your replies. I have a much clearer view now on what to do next.
  3. Hi rdm, the wording on the title deed says "Registered charge dated 15 February 2003 to secure the moneys including the further advances therein mentioned." Thanks. Another question: can GE stop the sale of the house with this charge order until my mum pays the debt? She would only have the funds to pay when she has sold the house though. Thanks.
  4. Hi rdm2006 and dx100uk. Thank you very much for your replies. I have already contacted the mortgage provider and they can't find any life insurance attached to the mortgage, unfortunately. I shall take your advice about the SAR thank you. The spread sheet looks very useful too, thanks. Since I posted my query I have been researching the difference between a restriction and a charge order and have re-read the register of title and GE do indeed have a charge order attached to the house. My new question is: does my mum only have to pay the amount stated on the original CCJ, which resulted in the charge order (£10,000) or does she have to pay the £35,000 which GE are now demanding (£25,000 arrears)? I shall obviously ask for a solicitor's advise when someone makes an offer on the house but it would be nice to get some idea beforehand. Thanks again.
  5. Hi, I'm new to this forum and would like some advice please.... My step father died suddenly a few months ago and I have been trying to help my mother deal with the debts he has left behind. He had a loan, which he struggled to pay when he could no longer work due to having both legs amputated. From what I've discovered the original loan was for £10,000, was sold off to GE Money Home Finance Ltd and has now grown to £35,875. The loan was secured against their home and GE money have now said that my mother has 7 days to pay off arrears of £25,477 before they take her to court for repossession. I have put her house on the market in order to pay the debt but obviously won't be able to sell it within 7 days. After reading some of the posts on here I am thinking that perhaps my mother does not have to pay all of this money off. How do we calculate what is "normal" interest and punitive payments and what is excessive? To me £25,477 sounds very excessive. My step dad was paying £300 a month to GE from his disability payments, which of course have now stopped since he has died. My mother can't afford to keep up the payments and GE won't take anything less than £300 a month. The original company took my step dad to court in 2008 for the sum of £10,057, which he couldn't pay. Could someone advise me on the next step please? P.S. I would also like to ask if it is possible to sell my mother's house even though GE Money have registered a restriction charge with the land registry against the property. Thank you.
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