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  1. hi i recently got a tv from buy as you view. iv just had to stop working due to my health and can not pay it no longer. i have depression exciety bipolar and the list go's on. ..but im so affraid of opening my door to tell the bayv man that ! im in a real state with it. i wouldnt mind them taking the tv back as i know i cant pay and thats my fault but he shouts at me and trys to walk in my home its making me nervous i had to go to doctors to be put on diazapam just to try and deal with it. im 23 and see no way out of this please help me he sits outside my house and today he sat out their for 1hr 47mins while i sat in the dark crying please im desprate he said hes calling police he shouts through my letter box and demands i open the door and he has been caught by my naighbour previosly kicking my door to get an answer i cant take this no more its driving me insane please help
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