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Everything posted by lost123

  1. just asked and she has never acknowleged the debt, simply just throw things away in years gone by. im trying to clear a few things up recently but this one is beyond me
  2. as far as im aware the last time she spoke to them over this was when they phoned her (legal services) asking her to pay 2000 which was mid to late 2008
  3. ill write it and get her to sign it ah reading through other posts do i treat it like a normal debt, offer no acknowledgment just ask them to explain everything?
  4. some hope yes certainly the hope that a solution can be found without any unpleasantness in the form of courts bailiffs etc
  5. now the next bit. im not hoping to get away with not paying it, i am willing to pay this off ok based on the current amount i can afford (low wage two kids my wage is low enough since being made redundant and taking a dire job rather than sit on the dole that im only 25 quid a week better off working but thats not the point is it) would mean it would take something like ten years to pay this off based on the currnet amount they are claiming she owes to do this am i better contacting the original people over repayment. Please bear in mind the debt is not mine so ive no idea where i stand on this, and even if they will speak to me
  6. ok i understand that, well it makes sense. thing is where do i go from here? contact the legal services people ask freds and carters for more info offer to pay what i can, or have my wife offer what she can which would be a tiny amount as she doesnt work
  7. right ive managed to find out who the original debt was to it is the legal services comission which i dont think is covered by statute barring from what i can find as its a government agency
  8. ok i get the statute barred thing but google reveals that the agency in question does use fredericksons to get money back. cant scan stuff sorry im a technoluddite the wording from carters solicitors is as follows our client legal aid agency account...... dear name we have been asked by frederickson international .....to write to you with regard to this outstanding debt payment must be made in full within the next fourteen days failing which we will recommend to our client that proceedings be issued should proceedings be issued additional charges will be added to the existing balance as shown below outstanding balance to pay now £10000 court fees £190 solicitor costs £100 new balance if precedings are issued £10290 please note that in addition an amount in respect of any inerest may also be added to the balance claimed and if so , will appear on the claim form. before the account is referred to us to litigate you still have the opportunity to contact freds' with your payment proposals. in order to acoid further debt recovery action you should telephone....... this is a serious matter and you may wish to seek independant legal advice yours ....
  9. its not though its a bill from the legal aid agency, unless im missing something?
  10. no idea she has sat on it binned stuff etc. she doesnt work as she suffers quite serious depression and is on a scheme to help something to do with cognitive behavoir. so its down to me to pay it and suffer all the grief of court action i guess
  11. the bill was for a divorce/custody case, the solicitors got her legal aid then decided afterwards she wasnt entitled to it so hit her with a bill yes we have moved home
  12. hello breif history my wife it turns out owes nigh on £10k to the legal aid agency from around 2006, this is being pursued by fredericksons and bryan carter soloicitors. she doesnt work, i do and we have nothing like this money available. i cant pay a substantial amount out to them each month ive worked it out at i can roughly afford £80 per month after all the stuff need to pay for is paid for. Also at one point in the past she was apparently offered the chance to settle the debt for less than two thousand pounds which after quizzing her turns out to be roughly what she originally owed what do we do? everything i see is geared towards debt from borrowing on cards loans cars etc
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