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Everything posted by indigovivien

  1. Hi Scania man and Conniff. Thanks for your concern. I have, in the meantime, received support from 1 ex solicitor, and 2 ex policemen who have contacted me with regards to this. This coupled with the CAB who said that at each stage I can check with them for anything I need to ask. There is a local forum where I live and lots of people who know me are helping to support. If you had read all the replies I made you will see that the man had already been hostile to me in his office. I realised that returning to him alone was not an option. This was because I had asked to count the cash again as I had such a migraine that I couldn't think let alone count. He was particularly unpleasant and not a little unnerving by the manner he refused to let me check the money. I have in the meantime found out that the "friend" who test drove the vehicle, has a history with carsales man. This could of accounted for some of the hostility. And as he is also an ex car sales man, maybe he did have designs on my vehicle? Which had been pointed out. Thank you all for your concern but I do not need any more assistance. Some of the "advice" was not in context and some were other peoples axes to grind. I will not be returning after this. I am deleting all that I can and stopping all emails as the admin do not seem to get any of my emails or seem to respond. I would like to thank, however, Mike Hawk for making a newby feel like there was some support. I know that you site does help some people. I sincerely hope that it will continue to do so. Goodbye.
  2. Hi Westmead fan. That bit is all old hat. The CAB have helped me draught the whole thing and he has been written to now. All in the hands of CAB and Trading Standards. Thanks anyway for your thoughts on this.
  3. I have tried to pm you ims21 but when I pressed send I was told I do not have permission to use that service? I have to go to bed now. I request that you take out the whole first bit that I deleted until I am able to give you the edited one
  4. Well it will be interesting for other newcomers to see how this newcomer has been treated. No confidentiality. When something has been removed, it gets reinstated! They will perhaps think twice about posting anything.
  5. ims21 A short search will now allow those who would like to inform the car sales person of this discussion is now easily done. Especially those on this site who seem to want to nail me into the wreck I bought. The car salesman will be getting a letter tomorrow and has already received an email. Since you have already altered it, why do you not remove the obvious details to protect me?
  6. Pops see again below and also I checked with the Citizens Advice. I read them exactly what was stated. They said if the vehicle had been repaired then that would be a problem. They had to have changed something. That was their info to me. Used motor vehicles - consumer rights When you buy a used motor vehicle from a trader, you enter into a legally binding contract and you are entitled to expect that it is of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose, and as described. An older vehicle with high mileage may not be as good as a newer vehicle with low mileage, but it should still be fit for use on the road and in a condition that reflects its age and price. Traders cannot take away consumers' rights by using terms such as 'sold as seen' or 'no refunds'. If you buy a used vehicle from a trader online, you may have additional rights under the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000. You do not have the same legal rights if you buy a vehicle from a private seller or an auction. If the used vehicle is faulty, you have a short time after buying it to reject it. You may have other remedies such as repair or replacement. If the vehicle is faulty then you need to write to trader you bought it from. You should confirm the details of your complaint and the remedy you are seeking and keep copies of all correspondence. As a last resort, you may need to consider taking court action. Remember, used vehicles may have some faults, but they should not be excessive. Fair wear and tear is not considered to be a fault.
  7. Pops you are wrong again. Reimbursement. I can tell you are just trying to rag me. Well let the moderators see that.
  8. Hmmm. Help. I do a lot of that. Lot of charity work and volunteering. But i am sad to say didn't really see much of that here. I am surprised that the moderators didn't advise the jackals to back off a bit? Until Mike actually started to reply I felt attacked. Felt I was being a scapegoat for others frustration with the motor industry. Many people are in a better situation than me with regards to money. But I like to help others rather than a large shiny car. But to hear those that openly ragged me. Nah. Not nice.
  9. Used motor vehicles - consumer rights When you buy a used motor vehicle from a trader, you enter into a legally binding contract and you are entitled to expect that it is of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose, and as described. An older vehicle with high mileage may not be as good as a newer vehicle with low mileage, but it should still be fit for use on the road and in a condition that reflects its age and price. Traders cannot take away consumers' rights by using terms such as 'sold as seen' or 'no refunds'. If you buy a used vehicle from a trader online, you may have additional rights under the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000. You do not have the same legal rights if you buy a vehicle from a private seller or an auction. If the used vehicle is faulty, you have a short time after buying it to reject it. You may have other remedies such as repair or replacement. If the vehicle is faulty then you need to write to trader you bought it from. You should confirm the details of your complaint and the remedy you are seeking and keep copies of all correspondence. As a last resort, you may need to consider taking court action. Remember, used vehicles may have some faults, but they should not be excessive. Fair wear and tear is not considered to be a fault.
  10. I have also asked to be removed as I cannot find a way to do this. My confidentiality is being compromised.
  11. It has name of garage. They do not want to be on this. Are you now trying to make me feel more vunerable. I don't mind leaving the majority of the details. But don't like that you have taken all access away.
  12. Hi Ims21, In order for this thread to make sense I have reinstated the original post. Well at least that proves that I did not ask for compensation but reimbursement. However, I do not feel that I want it known where I am or anything else personal about me or the other parties. Not happy about that.
  13. Thank you for that. It felt like jackels round a piece of meat. The garage were very alarmed at so little regard for someones life. Trading standards also seem to be interested. Thank you again.
  14. Well citizens advice and the reputable garage here and the trading standards, who are now also involved seem to think differently. No point in continueing with this conversation. I have the info I need. So you feel that it is okay to send people out in death traps without warning. So that is another dealer to steer clear of.
  15. Pop you are still missing the point. It was allowing me to go on the road with a dangerous vehicle. Or does this just not compute with you. HE COULD HAVE KILLED ME AND ANYONE ELSE I WOULD HAVE HAD THE MISFORTUNE TO HAVE HIT! A YOUNG FAMILY PERHAPS WITH THREE YOUNG CHILDREN. COMPRENDI. THIS IS WHAT HAD SHOCKED THE GARAGE. Still hyping on about the price. HE PUT ME ON THE ROAD WITH A WEAPON AND NO WARNING!
  16. It had dents in it and there is the same vehicle round the corner at £1200. This was actually 2004 but not registered until 2005. I had a friend test drive it for me 3 weeks previously. They told me that it would need the tracking done and at worst case scenario the 2nd 2 advisories for the steering. He estimated £220 for the repairs. When I got back I took it straight to the garage for them to get the advisories done. They said they would test drive it first and let me know how to proceed. They then told me the next day. My friend was horrified when I told him. He said that it hadn't made those noises when he drove it. Something else I noticed was that the mileage was different. Not hugely different but definately more.
  17. Hi. No it wasn't about advisories. It was about the car sales person letting me out on the road with a highly dangerous vehicle. The ad he put up on ebay classified state Drives Well. This it didn't do. It kept swerving into oncoming traffic suddenly out of the blue. I drove at 25 miles an hour in the end as I was so scared. It made loads of strange grinding knocking noises. The man had been really unfriendly when I asked if I could count the money again as I had a headache. (It was actually a migraine) The garage owner said that he test drove it and it was the scariest vehicle he had ever driven in 40 years.
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