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Everything posted by discod2014

  1. Point being ? He rang the agencies he was paying he stopped due to covid no work etc then offered to continue payments they said no...
  2. The letters were left in my porch and no I didnt know about the parking fines my son has letters come here I dont open them. Only reason i opened these ones was because they had final notice stamped all over them!
  3. No they came here to my address he lived here when he bought the car. Hes not listed as being here never has been he left home and came back briefly. They were left in my porch.
  4. Son cannot pay in full as he isnt working due to being furloughed, hes a chef. He offered a payment plan one that he could afford and they said no ... hes 23 I cant force him to tell them where he lives this is about me and getting these people off my doorstep.
  5. They are both local authority but 2 different ones. One was from my local council the other Brighton I believe.
  6. Long story short son owes parking fines I have a DCA chasing him at my address, an address he hasn't lived at in over a year. He has rang them offered monthly payments which to me is good as he is on furlough and only works 27 hours a week but they refused. One debt is 200 the other 300. I have rang them up told them he don't live here and I do not know his address which I genuinely dont. He isnt on the electoral role and never has been. All i get is cocky remarks and lies one guy said well he spoke to me last week and confirmed he lives there which is a lie! How do I get them off my back and yes Ive told my son to sort it out! Im dreading the confrontation when they do catch me in and I open the door. Any help or advice would be great thanks. Oh one DCA is Marstons the other I cannot remember.
  7. Hello any help would be great thank you. My son sold a car to someone without getting his details which was rather stupid (dont need to be told thanks) and that man dumped the car in Medway. My son received a fine which he was paying but it was being paid to Folkestone and Hythe (different authority) now Medway which is where the car was dumped are saying they are also collecting the full amount. So two different local authority's want him to pay the same fine...423 quid. Is this legal please?
  8. I can't block it it is weird as my phone which gives me the option of blocking doesn't with this and there is no number attached to it so I can't report it :???:
  9. Its for Ferratum and I don't know I can't remember of the top of my head all I have is the postcode for where the letter went...its for about 250.00 quid.
  10. I have one and a letter was sent with proof of posting about three weeks ago and I've heard nothing since but it wasn't with debt collect, who I can't even find when I goggle.
  11. Today I had a text message which read...DEBTCOLLECT We have failed to contact you regarding your outstanding balance. 3rd party recovery and collections are attending at (my address) for enforcement. I have no clue who this is from and I have had no letters or emails concerning any debt....I have also tried to google debt collect but cannot find any info, there is also none in the message..no number..nothing. Any ideas please ?
  12. Of course I admit the debt it's mine and for my address where I live now. The debt is for unpaid water bills which weren't paid due to financial changes relationship changes which resulted in different work hours etc. I filled out the blue form and offered repayments and I still stand by that I'm just needing to know how I can stop having to pay the full amount as I don't have it.
  13. Had a blue form sent a month or so ago which was issued by the court, filled it out offering repayments today had a letter saying I didnt send it back and I now have to pay in full the 3000 pound... which of course I can't. No I didnt send it recorded which was stupid but I did send it what can I do please? I didnt send the form back to the court I sent it to the claimant was this wrong ? I sent the blue forms to Shulmans Ltd
  14. My partner had a letter the same time but for a different amount his letter was separate to mine and I don't get why it took them two years to bring this over payment to my attention. But thank you for your advice
  15. LCS the people chasing me for this debt
  16. The SAR never turned up they sent me a letter saying its from 2014 and I have today had my FINAL NOTICE....now what please? Its not from splitting up and getting back together with a partner as we have only been together four years and he only moved in two years ago....I don't have the documents to go through to find out how and why this happened.
  17. I have also had a tax credit rewards letter this week it states the following Overpayments *amount* has already been collected back from you *amount* will be collected from the rest of your payments from this award (my award now is 4.55 a week) *amount* is an adjustment to put your record right *amount* will be collected from future awards by reducing your payments under section 29(4) of the tax credits act. So where does it say you also owe 1120 which we will be collecting via LCS...nowhere so should I just send LCS a copy of this letter ??
  18. discod2014

    LCS Harassment

    myself along with my partner have both had letters from LCS saying we owe them money for HMRC over payments. I wrote to LCS and asked them what year this was from and they ignored me. I wrote again and included a SAR request form which again was ignored. The last letter came yesterday with the usual good will be seized,county court etc (maybe) They keep ringing my house and my partner answered and gave them all of his information although i had told him not to. They gave him number for a company who helps deal with these debts and how you can pay. He rang them got a reference number and waited. Yesterday LCS rang AGAIN and despite him giving them the reference number they told him because the debt is owed to the government all other debts like credit card repayments,loan payments are not important and they are legally to be paid first so he offered them 5 quid a week which after an argument they accepted. Im the other end of the scale I won't talk to them on the phone i want to know what year this is owed from and how i was over paid yet still they are sending me letters telling me not to ignore them. Whats my next step please I feel I have a right to know when I owe this from and if I owe it then I will offer a repayment. ..they have also told me all repayments for the whole amount owing have to be made within 12 months..is this true please? I owe 1120.50. Any template letters to send these with big words and legal quotes please? Thank you in advance.
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