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Everything posted by maxandsasha

  1. Hi DX They have sent me a copy of the CCA. I got it on the 27/01/2014. Its the exact same copy to the one i have. Any suggestions of what to do now, i would like to get rid of this one and start on the next debt. do you think i should full and final them for maybe say £ 200. Thanks again for your help Max
  2. Hi DX YES the whole debt has vanished off both experian and credit expert. Max
  3. Hi Guys Sorry a wee update. DX, i dont have a scanner on my printer so cant upload the letter for you. On the 27/01/14 i recieved my copy of the CCA. On the friday the phone goes and its CL Finanace asking if a got it but i did not admit to having received it yet !!!!. I know i should not have spoken to them but i was confident a could deal with them. They offered me to settle for £456 but i told them a firm NO ( not a chance ). They then said to hold on then she came back on the phone saying the lowest they could go was £300 again i said no !!!. Before she finished the phone call i asked her to remove the AP markers from my credit file, to which she asked why ? I then explained that i had phoned and spoke to someone from the ICO ( i did,nt i just read up on it ) i stated that the account should have had a default placed on it when i fell more than 6 payments late and the date would have been 2006 so therefore it should not still be affecting my credit file. Heres the best bit .......... She agreed and told me they would remove it staight away. I have since checked my report and its gone from creditexpert but not from experian yet ( i hope it just needs updated). I HAVE NOT paid them i full and final as i think they were wanting to much. Any suggestions on what i should do ? I would like to get them paid off but my wife thinks we should just continue with paying them a £5 per month Sorry for the long post but happy they have removed the negative markers Thanks for reading Max
  4. Hi DX On my file it clearly shows CL Finance on it and they have been updating my file since 2009 as AP. Reguarding them with threating me with a default thats what they said in the letter i got from them when they said they didnt have my cca but they are trying to get it for me. They also said the debt is unenforceable until they get it for me but i still need to pay them as i still owe the debt and if i didnt they would place a default on my file. Thanks Max
  5. Hi DX So what is next. I write them a letter of failure to comply reguarding the cca and also a letter of complaint reguarding the AP markers on my credit file ?. I am not sure on how to do this. So you think i would be wasting my money if i paid them a full and final if i somehow got them to agree to remove the markers from my file. What are the chances of being successful?? . Would it help if i mentioned to them that i will complain the ICO if they said no to my full and final .. Thanks again Max
  6. Hi DX They are updating my credit file every month and i trying to improve my rating to get a better mortgage deal. Max
  7. Hi I am just away to start writing a letter for full and final to them, what do you think i should offer. Is there any other things i should state in the letter apart from not selling the remaining debt on and removing all the markers from my credit file. Your thoughts or advice is most appreciated Thanks Max
  8. Hi I am sure it was originally a Bank Of Scotland Prefrence card but on the monthly statements i get sent from CL Finance it says store card account Max
  9. Hi DX New thread started for cl finance debt http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?415656-Cl-finance-amp-old-Storecard-debt Max
  10. Hi As advised i have started a new thread i hope its in the right place . For people who have not read my other thread i am in the long process off trying to become debt free, one debt at a time. Starting with CL Finance I CCA,D them on the 09/01/2014 and there time limit is up tomorrow ( 23/01/2014). To date i have not received my copy and doubt i will. They have been marking my credit file as AP since 2009. I was thinking off offering them 25% as full and final to settle the account IF they remove ALL the negative markers off my credit file if not i will complain to the ICO as to get it removed but i am unsure off how to do this. Any advice or help would be great Thanks again DX and DD for your help so far Max
  11. Hi DX No its not defaulted it says AP on my credit report, it has done for 4 years or so Thanks Max
  12. Hi DX I thought off that but as they are updating my credit file i am a little bit worried they will destroy my rating which is slowly improving Thanks Max
  13. Hi What do you advise i should do now, they have until the 23/1/2014 to get me a copy of the cca thats when the 14 days runs out. I was thinking of sending them a offer of 25% as full and final as i dont think they will supply the correct cca. What do you guys think is it worth a try ??
  14. Hi Just a wee update, today received a letter from CL Finance reguarding my CCA request. They have acknowledged receipt of my letter dated 9th on jan 2014 in which i requested a copy of my credit agreement. They state they DO NOT currently have a copy of the required document on site but are in the process of retrieving a copy for me. They say while my request remains outstanding enforcement action will not be taken. They say i must continue to make payments. they are threatening to put a default on my CRA and pass my information to a debt collector and they say this view is shared by the office of fair trading.... Also today a different letter came today from CL Finance ( Lewis bradford ) saying they assigned all of the rights obligations and benifets to Hoist Portfolio Holdings. Why do you think they have got shot of that account. It seems a bit suspicious to me that they get rid of it at the same time i have CCA,d the other account they hold or am i just reading to much into this. Thanks again Max
  15. Hi DD I will send it off to Barclaycard and see what they return, you are correct they offered 40% off as full and final. I know i have PPI on this card and i am in the process off reclaiming it.... Will i write to them stating as they dont have the proper agreement i dont reconise the debt therfore i am ceasing all payments to them. Will i continue the payments direct to Barclaycard in the mean time I am unsure what is best to do. Thanks Max
  16. Hi Got a reply back today from one of the DCA,s that i CCA,D. It was from ApexCredit Management. It states it the letter that they are not the data holding branch and are therefore not obliged to supply the data that i requested, and i should request this info from Barclay card directly.They have returned my postal order with the address i should write to !! Is this what they can do or are they just chancing it ? thanks Max
  17. Hi guys and thanks for your time I have a few questions Is it a waste of my time and money if i were to SAR my bank as it has been 7 years since i have been with B & E so therefore i have no chance of claiming any charges back as the 6 year rule or am i getting this wrong and also i have just wrote a wee note with my account number to Egg/Barclay card stating i wish to start the procedure to claim my PPI back which i believe was mis sold to me, or am i better to fill in the questionaire i found on another site. There is a bit on the questionaire that asks if i have missed payments on the account which i clearly have will that ruin my chances of being successful. Thanks again Max
  18. Thank you for the quick reply I will hang off just now
  19. Hi DD You mentioned in a previous post that NOT to claim my PPI back on my egg account if i didnt think it would cover most of the outstanding balance as i may be acknowledging the debt... I have the letter ready to post but am unsure of what to do.. I know that i paid PPI on this account for 31 months from Jan 2001 until sept 2003. The reason i know this as i spoke to a helpful person on the phone. ( Well before i joined this great site). The person said the average ppi cost is between £ 0.80 - to £ 2.00 for every £100 pound on the account and my balance at that time must have been at least £3000. So with that what do you think i should do ? My gut feeling says go for it but as always any advice is really appreciated. Thanks Max
  20. Hi , I have sent off CCA requests to three of my crediters. CL Finane, Idem and Apex. I will keep you updated if and when i get any replys. What can i expect to happen now ? No doubt the phone calls will start or idle threats . But am ready for them..... Thanks for your help Max
  21. HI there Can i still s.a.r. the bank even though i cant remember the account details and how long will they go back
  22. Hi there I phoned the bank but they were not much help. I got through to collections and the person said Westcot are dealing with the collection. But i had 3 accounts with them when i went on a DMP. Am i right to think the other 2 have been sold as they never mentioned the other collctors
  23. Yes they are from Idem servicing. I will get on with the CCA to them Thanks Max
  24. Hi Idem sevicing are collecting 1 of the overdraft accounts and for the last two years i have had yearly statements showing the money i have paid every month. It says on the letter agreement type as being Unsecured personal credit agreement and the 2nd one Westcot credit are collecting them Max
  25. To be honest i am not sure if i did recieve letters as my head was burried well and truly in the sand but not anymore thanks to this forum. So what would you do if you were me , start by CCA ing all the crediters as see what comes off that. As for any charges that a have occured i dont have a clue how much i have been charged Thanks Max
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