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Everything posted by DVF1610

  1. Thank you all for such a quick response!! I will request both CCA and SAR when they return to work and post their response for further advice. letsgetitsorted - I no longer have account numbers or paperwork relating to this debt (hence the situation i'm in with not knowing what I should be paying) but hopefully when I receive the above reports they may contain the info I need to pursue a PPI claim as I vaguely remember (10 yrs + ago) being told my application would have more chance of being accepted if I had protection!! Thanks again everyone. I'll keep the DD going this month to cover myself but hopefully by the end of Feb I could be sorted!
  2. Hello I wonder if anyone can advise on this? I am currently paying £65 per month to The Lewis Group as part of a repayment plan. I believe that this may have been for a very old loan (circa 2002) for Black Horse Finance which I defaulted on and was passed to debt collectors. It no longer shows on my CRA report but when they contacted my a couple of years ago they were quite abrupt and as I wasn't as clued up on these matters as I am now I agreed to set up the repayment plan. I therefore assume that as I have acknowledged the debt by paying it I have no choice but to continue until it is settled and can't go down the statute barred route? (I think it *may* have been registered as a CCJ years ago but as I say with it being so old this is no longer on my CRA and I don't even know if it would still be enforceable?!) I have almost continually paid the monthly installments as below, and on the couple of occasions that I have missed a payment I have reset up the agreement for the following month. I have not spoken to this company for nearly a year now, so my memory of what they explained is vague, including the balance to be paid, but as this is the last outstanding debt I have I am now focussing my attention on getting it sorted. I have tried to contact them today for info but they are closed for holidays so I will be contacting them for a balance and to request a statement when they re-open on Thursday 2nd Jan. In the mean time my questions to you are... a) should I still be paying this? b) is the CCJ (if it was actually a CCJ in the first place!) still relevant? (it is definitely over 6 years ago if it was a CCJ as nothing is registered against me on my CRA) c) what would be the potential repercussions of ceasing payment (i.e just cancelling DD)? d) could they register a new default against me or in any way impact on my credit file? Any advice would be much appreciated! I understand I must sound silly for not having all of the information to hand surrounding the debt but as it is so old I just accepted that it needed to be paid and never questioned it or noticed the DD coming out of my account each month. Thank you in advance! (details of payments made are as below....) May 2012 - July 2012 = £50 missed August September 2012 - November 2012 = £65 missed December January 2013 = £76.62 February 2013 - present = £65
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