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Everything posted by gjr122

  1. Hi thank you for your suggestions, i feel a lot better now. To answer your 2nd question: i ve been working there for 18 months, what i find harassing is that he contently send me text messages and emails to my personal account talking about my sickness procedures and company policies also order me to reply him during the last 10 days of my sick leave. I am currently not a member of union(regretted..), as you say i do have the feeling he is going to be asking me to see a specialist he by his arrangement. I can understand me not to access email, but he also blocked my access to the office, is that a bit too much? he didnt do this to other members while they were on maternity/sickness leave..
  2. can i also ask if i am entitled not to reply him on anything while being on sickness period?
  3. thanks for your advice, to answer your question 3, i have been purchasing items for the company with my own credit card and now is 1000 pounds in credit that it is creating stresses for myself not having it paid to the bank. i raised with him to say i need to access the system to do this claim but he replied me saying he doesn't allow me to access anything.
  4. my GP signed me off work for a month due to work related stress, after i sent it to my employer the nxt day i have been receiving emails from him on my personal email, also text messages. at the end of all messages he orders me to confirm receipt of the message. it has been a week that i am off sick and this is information that he has provided me: 1. not being paid in full - sickness payment 86 pound/week 2. he's going to call me every monday and thursday to check my well being (previous call he was asking me to think about if my stress is because of personal life instead of work) 3. without his agreement he doesn't allow me to go to the office: he has locked all my company accounts including email and IT facilities and also the pass accessing the company building 4. he's going to conduct an interview at the end of my sickness period, and carry out a new role for me i feel like being treated like a dog, he's messages have very threatening tone. I feel he is not supporting my recovery at all but harassment. Or this should be a normal procedure for all one month sick leaves?
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