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Everything posted by horatioeastwood

  1. Thanks for all the advice guys. I will follow all of this up. My only question is how do I get it removed from my credit report?
  2. I did make a payment on the £1 arrangement but the last was in 2006. I will send the SB letter but what about getting it removed from my credit report?
  3. In the Data Protection Act Reporting sheets they have a section called Collections Details. Its lists the part payment arrangement date as 04/03/2005. It lists a lot of things called re-age which I don't get. it also lists missed payments which all amount to zero. There are 8 of them. There are a few of these listed at different times. It also mentions a delinquency amount. Its difficult to decipher as most of the dates relate to 2010 with one in 2008 and a couple in 2005. There's a code for NO PAY DUE and a warning bulletin dated 05/03/2005 but I don't think that refers to my default. There is a section that lists my last payment date as 22/03/2006, payment due date as 26/03/2006 and then lists Date Last in Order as 27/02/2013 and states that it was not delinquent. It then list date account was last delinquent as 29/05/2008 (which is shortly before they sold it to Lowell) and that's all the other info I can find. It's pretty difficult to decipher as it's all in codes.
  4. Hi forum goers! This is my first post so I hope I've got it in the right place. My situation is quite standard but need some advice on what to do next and some clarification of my position. Some years ago I had a Barclaycard which I was unable to meet the payments. Eventually I stopped paying and forgot about it. I sought debt advice at the time and stopped worrying about it. The debt got transferred to Lowell who chased me for years and my credit rating was shot. A few years ago though I started getting accepted for credit. Opened bank accounts, got a credit card everything seemed a ok. I checked my credit reports from each of the providers and it was all good. Not the best but good enough. I then wanted to return to study and got accepted on a masters. To pay for it I was going to take a professional development loan but got turned down. I decided to go back and check my reports to see what the problem was. I checked Noddle first and there on my report was Lowell listed as a lender who had placed defaults in my name for the past few months. I checked again a few months later and all of a sudden the defaults had been backdated all the way back to 2010. I decided to investigate as I was pretty sure I was near the statute barred time limit on this debt. I used a SARS with Barclaycard and they sent me all the info. Very interesting. Here are the main points. 1. My statements with Barclaycard continue to the present day???? 2. I made my last payment to Barclaycard on 27/03/2006. 3. The statements then continue until 26/06/2008 at which point several transactions coded CHRGOFF appear. 4. After this date all the statements list a balance of zero. 5. Prior to my last payment I had arranged to make a token payment of £1 a month until my situation improved. There are a few other interesting details but these are the main ones. Now I assume the code CHRGOFF is a reference to Barclaycard selling the debt. On my Noddle credit report Lowell lists the date of default as 27/06/2008, the day after Barclaycard may have sold it. As I understand: 1. Statute Barred debts run from the date of last payment or communication (there has never been any communication from myself). 2. Barclaycard was unfair/wrong to wait 2 years from my last payment to declare the debt defaulted (unless my payment arrangement of £1 affects this?) So I guess what I need help with is: 1. Is this debt statute barred? 2. If it is can I get Lowell to remove it from my credit report? 3. If so are there any good template letters I can use? 4. Should I just wait until June this year to be certain that six years have elapsed? One final point is that I am now receiving letters from Fredrickson International saying they have been authorised by Lowell to collect the debt. Can they do this? I reckon Lowell know it's ended and want to sell it off to someone else. Hope this wasn't too long.
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