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sherriff albo

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  1. I think you are offering very wise sound advice. I will be making a formal complaint and have got some information on the other parties "version of events" but do not have anything on what they claim was the point of impact. The positive that will come out of this is that I will probably change to the other parties insurance company. Thank you for taking the time to read this and offer independent advice.
  2. Thank you very much for your reply. I have uploaded the diagram I made for my claim It was dark and wet at the time, it was a busy high street with christmas shoppers, that would be the only reason i could come up with why someone would reverse without checking properly. I naively believed that the reason for having insurance was to cover you if things went to court,you would not have to worry about the cost or risk of loosing, the reality is clearly quite different. My diagram shows the third party car partially in front of my car, my photos also confirm that. Based on their explanation i would have had to have reversed after driving into them then driven forward into the final position in the photos. They have not claimed that, only that I drove into them. I appreciate now that a court is probably not too concerned about the intricate detail and is looking for a simple explanation so this is all probably a lost cause, which actually suits both insurance companies fine but leaves me at their mercy for higher premiums.
  3. A year ago someone reversed into me as I was waiting to pull out onto a main road from a car park and turn left. Traffic on the main road was stationary and the car reversed so that it could get into a parking bay, they did not check their mirrors, I started to reverse out of the way but was hit before i could completely get out of the way. The other driver claims they were stationary and I just pulled out into them. I maintain that the photos show that the position of the vehicles after the bump, back up my version based on the points of impact. It was only the front left corner of my car that touched the rear left corner of their car. Based on the photos if I had pulled out into a stationary car the front of my car would have hit the rear side of their car. After a year of this going nowhere due to the other insurance co dragging their feet and my insurance co not actively chasing them I have been told that they are going to settle 50/50 - I will loose out on £125 of my excess and suffer the extra cost of cover. They do not seem interested in trying to match up the two versions and using an analytical approach to the points of damage, and positions of vehicles I have pushed this as far as I can with the company, spent hours on the phone, and have also raised a complaint about the delays and the fact that no one ever calls back when they say they will. I feel they just want this out the way as it has dragged on too long. They keep telling me that unless they have a completely water tight case they will not go to court for fear of loosing. I feel completely let down by privilege Any help on how to proceed would be really appreciated:-x
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