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  1. hello thank you very much for your advice I will send this letter off to them today. i will keep the forum updated, it awful to hear so many stories about these unscrupulous so called business'.
  2. hi there I'm very relieved to find this website as now I don't feel alone My elderly parents have for the past 2 months been harassed by a company called LOWELLS phone calls - usually one at least per day, and letters - one per week they claim that my brother owes £12,000 in debt - but my brother does NOT, he doesn't have any loan etc and he left home over 7 years ago so why are they sending these letters and calling my parents? how do we get this to stop my poor father is dreadfully upset and he wants to know why this debt is at his address, etc he tells them time and time again my brother does not live there but they ignore him the letters are getting more threatening and I'm very worried my brother is abroad so I'm trying to help any advice please
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