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  1. Renegade, thank you and excuse my ignorance, but should that ccj be ruled then what process do I go through to get a fair payment arrangement put in place with the judge/court?
  2. IHB you are a sanity life saver. Thank you. I have no car and nothing in front or back worth any value. SHOULD the judge (post N244) rule I do owe something on this CCJ, then how can I arrange a payment plan with Marstans as I have heard they only accept full payment...
  3. Ok, thanks Renegade. Is it the same as dealing with a council tax bailiff (plenty of info on that here and on the web) in as much they can't enter the property unless invited or via a window etc, though this potential debt is via a CCJ and not via council tax.
  4. Ha thanks! Its appreciated... I did phone Marstons and spoke vis their call centre to a Mr Johnson, who said he would note it, but it means nothing to them and until I get the judgement set aside, they will still chase this! As its via a CCJ, although I'm disputing it, can Marstons enter my property when I am not there?
  5. Hi all, For the past couple of days I have been worrying about a letter I received when I returned home from work Friday eve. The letter is from Marstons Group (Bailifs?) and is very worrying, although I have looked all over the web for an answer I cannot find anything specific to my case. I wonder if you can help me? The debt is from my former employers who fired me when I sprained my ankle straight after a weeks holiday leave. The fact is that they didn't pay me what I am sure I am owed and my defense stated this. They claim I owe about £2,000. Anyway I sent a very detailed defense to the court and waited to hear the outcome, all I received last wee was one line in a letter saying judgement awarded against me as apparently I did not reply to the claim form. After calling the court it appears they did get my defense but I did not return the: "Directions Questionnaire" This I had not received! I was then advised to send an N244 form which I did asking for a request to put my judgement aside, which I think if agreed the judge will then look at my defense. Anyway this letter dropped through my letter box marked: "by hand" on Friday and I am now petrified. I called the court just before they shut and was told that they still had not received it, but there was roughly a five day back log, it has been 7 days by then! Basically I want to know what this letter is..... Is it a warrant? Can these bailiffs (if they are bailiffs) break in when my partner and I are at work? (we have two indoor cats) What would you advise I do next? Thanks in advance. Letter below.... ***Edit hang on I need to post 10 times before I can include an image, letter to follow.***
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