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  1. I got caught by this parcelforce charge once before and started to get careful as to how any items bought overses would be dealt with once arriving in U.K. Now I have just been stung again but their flat rate fee is now £13.50 and more than the v.a.t they say I owe. This time my small packet value around £30 arrived via EWS mail. I mistakenly thought that would be a direct to door service. Wrong! it was held at the Parcelforce UK collection centre for about 3 days. Then got delivered after which they sent out a bill. Although this is not an Ebay Seller issue, they chose EWS as their preferred carrier so i have emailed the seller and said i will inform the Ebay community to beware buying similar items coming through Parcelforce. We have decided not to use Parcelforce for any of our U.K parcels now and will use many of the other smaller firms who can accept online orders 24/7 and arrange collection or drop off at my local store. As for their bill, I shall, wait and see what further correspondence gets generated and pay the vat portion first. I may even find out if I can make a payment direct to HMRC. This is Robin Hood stealing on the part of Parcelforce, when low value packets are being sent more often and it is hard to see how these charges are justified.
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