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Everything posted by MRSG81

  1. All I have been with the UW since 2007 and I can tell you this is not by choice. Bill after bill was horrendously huge, firstly a £300 bill because I hadnt been (so say) providing accurate meter readings, then I had an £800 bill 8 mths later for the same thing having just about finished repaying the last bill in installments whilst going through the global crisis and suffering a redundancy. The added stress and impolite customer service eejits were nearly the death of me! Then a year passed and I received yet another bill for over a £1k. Melt down. They applied for a court order to turn off my supply and install pre payment meters.. .all of course I brought on myself for apparently not being able to manage my finances. I attempted to leave them and was accused of being a thief whilst laughed at down the phone for the "pathetic" situation I had now found myself in. I've never had such awful abuse by anyone in any company as I received by UW who were taking so much money from me a week on the meters we spent the winter with no hot water in candle light and woolly jumpers by the coal fire. Great Christmas we had that year - not! I did of course contact the CAB who were horrified by our situation but felt unable to assist based on the fact that UW ARE NOT A PART OF THE BIG 6 AND ARE THEREFORE A LAW UNTO THEMSELVES. I put this in capitals because its a fact not my opinion and a very important fact too. Ofcom were helpful and investigated what UW had done, how I'd been treated as a customer and how much UW were taking from me but remember - AS UW ARE NOT A PART OF THE BIG 6 THEY ARE A LAW UNTO THEMSELVES which meant any good deed or apology I received wasnt obligatory what so ever and now all these years on I'm on my last week of paying the £2k off (split between my gas and electric meters). Hooray I hear you say - not quite... .I'm now stuck on prepayment meters. Easy to be installed, a sod to get rid of and yes I own my home I'm not a tenant or on the council...etc etc and yes I have written to Watchdog - twice and they did naff all! Oh and because I dont have children and I work full time I'm apparently not a priority either! Roll eyes, sigh and shrug! Lesson learnt - dont go with UW - ITS THE EQUIVILANT OF SELLING YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL!
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