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Everything posted by Adamhp

  1. Thanks for the swift replies. That actually make the choices pretty easy. I think I might get an independent accident assessment (via RAC), before getting the repairs done though. Thanks again.
  2. A small van hit my car last week. Rear ended me as I was waiting in a traffic jam on the way to work. It was weird because everybody had been in the traffic for a while and he just sails into me at about 30mph. The boot floor was crumpled up quite a bit, bumper damage etc. Anyway we exchanged details, I contacted my insurance, they tow the car away to the garage, and I got a hire car. So a couple of days later I get a call from the garage asking me if they can go ahead with repairs. I say no, I want the insurance agency to contact me first. He says, okay, you should hear from them. Two day later the garage calls me again saying the insurance agency have given them the go ahead for the work. I say, what about my go head? Where's my call? So I contact my insurance and they say they want to go ahead with £2400 worth of repairs. That's 65% the value of the car. I said, look I don't really want to be driving a repaired car that's been in a semi-serious accident. I also ask them about the repair related diminished value, and they basically say that doesn't come into it. I would have to prove diminished value. The insurer is Tesco, and I'm kind of regretting this choice now. They wont budge on doing a repair. Anything I can do?
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