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  1. Thanks. Reassuring to be told that I have no intention of ringing them; HMRC suggested that I rang, and that I sent photocopies of my agreement to CSL - alarm bells rang at the idea of sending so much personal info to strangers - so I will NOT be doing that!
  2. Last week I had an odd text from a company called CSL asking me to call them. I didn't. and on Saturday I received a letter from them saying that they were collecting a tax credit overpayment for HMRC. I do have a tax credit overpayment, for which I have a direct debit in place, and on which I have not defaulted. In fact I have paid a further £160 off the amount CSL is demanding. A call to HMRC confirmed that I have an up to date payment plan, and they have no record of my account being passed to CSL. I have written to CSL and HMRC said they will do the same. In the meantime I am receiving texts from CSL asking me to call them. I was pretty shocked that despite sorting out my payments I am being hassled in this way. HMRC say they are happy for me to keep paying them, so why are CSL involved? Confused, and not very happy.
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