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  1. Its a shame that everyone decided to remain hidden behind this website. Rather than silly emails in the late hours (nothing else to do) why don't you call instead. We will be happy to share all the good news etc. Can anyone confirm that their deposit is actually unregistered? I think you will all find they are covered until the middle of next month by this time all the deposits will be re-registered.
  2. Like i have said for clarification on any point please contact me directly. I am very happy to answer any question as there is absolutely nothing to hide and no problem with any deposits. The question regarding the police is not a dig or a veiled threat because they are involved and are in contact with the ISP providers of the people concerned.
  3. I am happy to allay any fears there are to anybody who addresses me directly. I'm sorry if i got confused between davebg and davebj. Im not going to address any of the personal victimization here as im not going to sink to the same level as a man who hides behind his wife or a couple and a builder who have nothing better to do. Our business is performing well but when people hide behind social media to make up lies it is very hard to defend ones self as we have seen. Lucky people have seen what has been written on this site and called to support us. They know the people responsible and the full facts, i will let the police continue the investigation via their isp address. Support has been amazing and today we have seen a record take on for sales and lettings for which i am grateful.
  4. you seem to have made yourself very busy you clearly are a very sad person. Just to clarify paddock wood landlord has been sent her tenants deposit and if she only had contacted me before writing on this pathetic site things may have not have spiralled as they have with the police now involved!
  5. I thought it was best to tell all of you that we have contact the Police with regards to all your threats and they will be visiting David BJ this afternoon they have taken copies of all your comments and we have given them all your names. Ian VERY UNPROFESSIONAL David BJ I feel extremely sorry for you, your life must be so boring to make me such a large part of your life and in the words of Marylin Munroe 'IF I'D OBSERVED ALL THE RULES I'D NEVER GOTTEN ANYWHERE. SO WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO IT I LET THEM THINK WHAT THEY WANT. IF THEY CARE ENOUGH TO BOTHER WITH WHAT I DO THEM I AM ALREADY BETTER THAN THEM. AFTER ALL WELL-BEHAVED WOMEN BARELY MAKE HISTORY! 'SUCCESS MAKES SO MANY PEOPLE HATE YOU. I WISH IT WASN'T THAT WAY. IT WOULD BE WONDERFUL TO ENJOY SUCCESS WITHOUT SEEING ENVY IN THE EYE OF THOSE AROUND YOU' If you have something to say stop hiding behind this web-site and face me.
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