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  1. Good morning, does anyone know who I should contact regarding a PPI claim on a Goldfish Credit Card. As far as I know Barclays took over Goldfish a few years ago. Many thanks.
  2. wm10001

    ppi reclaimed

    Thank you, I will do that and let you know how I get on. I managed to get my repayment paid within 4 weeks. I emailed Barclays CEO directly and that really got things going. I have been waiting for the FOS for 18 months to get things sorted. I hope this information will help others in the same situation. Thanks again.
  3. wm10001

    ppi reclaimed

    Hello, thank you for the information. I was thinking of offering them a full and final settlement and going down that road, Would you be able to recomen a figure that I could offer initially. Thank you.
  4. wm10001

    ppi reclaimed

    good evening, I have recently received a cheque from Barclays for £2400 for mis sold PPI on a Credit Card. I have £3000 left to pay on the Card. As the Card was taken out before 2007 and Barclays cannot produce the CCA they have deened the Account to be unenforcable. Do I now have to pay off the Card or can I ask Barclays to 1) write off the Debt. or 2) ask them for a final settlement figure.
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