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  1. there are no addresses linked to my credit file but I have lived here for 14years? Should past address still be linked?
  2. I have now checked my credit history and there are no outstanding debts on my credit file, it shows I am up to date with all my accounts and there are no CCJs showing on there. I haven't heard from Absolute since the end of November. I will assume then that whatever they are chasing me for is clearly statute barred and unenforceable as there is no CCJ and I know I have kept on track with all my payments since at least 2007 I will wait and see if I hear anymore from them or their underhanded DCA colleagues Global and I will update here if I do.
  3. I have thought about it but worried that if I confirm it is me then they will bombard with phone calls constantly.
  4. I went onto the ICO page and typed in the data protection number for Absolute Locate and this is what is says about the company, that they trace debtors etc but I am quite worried about the information that they seem to be able to use/gain and pass around. I wonder where they can even get half of this information from and obviously legal to use according to the ICO page. Quite worrying. Registration Number: ZA019311 Date Registered: 24 September 2013 Registration Expires: 23 September 2014 Data Controller: Natalie Bourner Address: 2nd Cartwright Court Huddersfield HD2 1GN Other Names: Absolute Locate London Investigates Sherlock Investigates Thames Valley Search This register entry describes, in very general terms, the personal data being processed by: Natalie Bourner Nature of work - Consumer Credit Investigation and Debt Recovery Description of processing The following is a broad description of the way this organisation/data controller processes personal information. To understand how your own personal information is processed you may need to refer to any personal communications you have received, check any privacy notices the organisation has provided or contact the organisation to ask about your personal circumstances. Reasons/purposes for processing information We process personal information to enable us to trace debtors, to purchase debts and to collect on behalf of creditors. We also process personal data to support and manage our employees and to maintain our own accounts and records. Type/classes of information processed We process information relevant to the above reasons/purposes. This may include: personal details family, lifestyle and social circumstances goods and services financial details education and employment details We also process sensitive classes of information that may include: physical or mental health details racial or ethnic origin religious or other beliefs of a similar nature trade union membership offences including alleged offences criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences Who the information is processed about We process personal information about our: customers and clients suppliers advisers and other professional experts complainants and enquirers employees Who the information may be shared with We sometimes need to share the personal information we process with the individual themself and also with other organisations. Where this is necessary we are required to comply with all aspects of the Data Protection Act (DPA). What follows is a description of the types of organisations we may need to share some of the personal information we process with for one or more reasons. Where necessary or required we share information with: business associates and other professional advisers family and associates of the person whose personal data we are processing suppliers and service providers financial organisations ombudsmen and regulatory authorities central government credit reference agencies debt collection and tracing agencies traders in personal data courts and tribunals current, past and prospective employers educators and examining bodies Consultancy and Advisory Services Information is processed for consultancy and advisory services that are offered. For this reason the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, financial details, and the goods and services provided. This information may be about customers and clients. Where necessary this information is shared with the data subject themselves, business associates and other professional advisers, current, past or prospective employers and service providers. Trading and Sharing Personal Information Personal information is traded and shared as a primary business function. For this reason the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, financial details, employment details, and goods and services. This information may be about customers and clients. The information may be traded or shared with business associates and professional advisers, agents, service providers, customers and clients, and traders in personal data. Providing Financial Services and Advice Personal information is also processed in order to provide financial services and advice. For this reason the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, lifestyle and social circumstances, financial details, goods and services and sensitive classes of information that may include physical or mental health details. This information may be about clients, family and associates of clients, suppliers and enquirers. Where necessary or required this information is shared with the data subjects themselves, professional advisers and consultants, services providers, credit reference agencies. Transfers It may sometimes be necessary to transfer personal information overseas. When this is needed information is only shared within the European Economic Area (EEA). Any transfers made will be in full compliance with all aspects of the data protection act. Copyright in this copy is owned by the Information Commissioner. Data Controllers may take copies of their own register entries. Apart from that no part of it may be copied unless allowed under the Copyright Designs and Patent Act 1988.
  5. Haha good work nailpost. I tried doing a search on their company but got nowhere. Had another call today from withheld number so I'm assuming it was them, I didn't answer so tomorrow will probably follow another letter from their partners in crime Absolute Locate. Have you had dealings with this bunch too?
  6. I definitely plan to make complaints to both the Office of Fair Trading and Trading Standards because they are tricking people into ringing them. I havent heard from them since my phone call 6 days ago and since my letter 4 days ago so lets see if they contact me again. Either way i'll be reporting them. I'll keep updating here if I hear anymore from then. Thanks for the advice
  7. Thanks. I was searching for them last night on Google and considering on their website they claim they do surveillance amongst other Private Investigator work, they don't even advertise in Yellow Pages, Yell.com or 192.com, which just screams illegitimate and cover-up for DCA to me. They are not advertised anywhere on the net, the only way you can find them is if you know their company name and/or website address from a letter they have sent you. Therefore are not looking for outside business because they are not real? That's my opinion anyway, just a scary name to make people who receive letters off them believe they are not just any old DCA, you are being watched and investigated, which to me seems illegal.
  8. No Annie71, the letter from Absolute Locate was addressed to me, it just said they needed my assistance in verifying some information as part of an investigation they are conducting. I had already had a call from Global Debt Recovery 2 days before asking for me too but I didnt answer, they left a voice message with their phone number.
  9. Thank you so much for your advice. Reading the comments by everyone about this stupid underhanded company puts my mind at rest that I'm not the only one being targeted. I honestly thought I was being watched and was very paranoid yesterday as I tried to trace the company Absolute Locate on Google and it brought nothing up at all, I thought if nobody else is complaining about them then maybe its a genuine company. I had to come on to this site directly and type the name in the search box, I was so glad to find advice on here, it's a massive help. I am going to sit tight and ignore them. Hopefully, like people say on here, they feed off attention like kids and if I don't give them any then hopefully they'll go away. If I am right in my dates, I am certain that it has been over 7 years since I have been in control of my debts, so it should be statute barred. Am I right to say that even if there was a CCJ issued, then if they haven't contacted me in the last 6 years then they can't do anything about it? I will update here if I hear from them again. Thanks again
  10. Last week I received a phone call from a witheld number which I didnt answer and they left a voice message for me, asking me to call them on an 0208 number. I typed it into Google and it turned out to be Global Debt Recovery. I was worried as I have in the past had debts but I'm sure I cleared them all, could not be certain though. (As far as I am concerned, I have been in control of my finances for at least 7 years now since dumping my gambling ex-partner). This morning I received a letter from Absolute Locate saying they needed my assistance in verifying some information as part of an investigation they are conducting. Does anyone know if these two companies are linked (Global and Absolute Locate)? I've been walking round like a zombie all day worried sick about what to do, imagining that I am being spied on and that people are going to start knocking on my door regarding this. Any advice would be so greatly appreciated. I am not sure whether to contact them to find out what it is about or whether to leave it? If I ignore the calls and letters, will they go away will it just get worse?
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