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Everything posted by saraperks

  1. Hi this is probably very minor in comparison to many folks problems, here's my issue. Had a new mobile and number last Dec apparently it was previously owned by someone with debt who was being hunted by debt collection companies. Three of the companies accepted the fact from me that I am not the person they seek, MacKenzie Hall however don't. Despite sending me an email in June assuring me my details would be removed they are back at it this week. I have written another waspy email which I will send to MacKenzie Hall although only have two email addresses and would love to get the directors emails, however I may post hard copies as well for max impact. Does anyone else have this problem. I'm getting fed up paying to retrieve their voice mails as well as the slightly niggling feeling if they can mess this up what impact can they have on my digital finances? All too big Bro for me. From what I read on the net they are bullies riding close to the letter of the law, I guess they figure vulnerable people don't have cash to fight back? Just because you have debt doesn't mean you lose your human rights!
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