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  1. It was indeed the piece of land in the direct line from one pavement to the other. Her brother has spoken to her about persuing a claim.
  2. Thank you for your replies everybody they have been very informative.
  3. Hello forgive me if this is the wrong forum but it looked the most likely one for what I need to ask. On Monday morning (18/11/2013) my Grandmother (aged 76) was crossing the entrance to a car-park (a supermarket one) it was raining heavily and she had her umbrella up, she didn't see the car and she was hit and knocked down. The Police were called and the Ambulance, my Grandmother was taken to hospital and is still in there as she has a broken knee. The driver is an 81-year old. Just really trying to get to the bottom of who is at fault here. On the one hand my Grandmother's umbrella would have blocked her view but I know for a fact she does look when crossing the road and on the other surely if the driver thought she couldn't see him he should have at least called out or sounded his horn. My Grandmother doesn't wish to seek any damages but she is worried that she will be blamed she has no money either so is obviously very afraid right now she has numerous health problems so this added stress and hospitalisation isn't making things easy for her. So does anybody have any advice please ? Also how will this affect the driver with regards to his insurance etc ? Thank you.
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