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  1. No benefits - no employer - long term self(un)employed - making a living income but could do better. It's to keep HMRC, bailiff's & council dept's at bay whilst I get my stuff together now that I've got meds that seem to work.
  2. My shrink recommends I get some breathing space by getting my GP to write a letter confirming my poor mental health. As the GP doesn't want to engage brain, is there a common format I can present him with so I've a fighting chance of getting something out of him before I self-destruct! I've had a jolly good search up & down these most excellent forums, many references to such a letter but no actual template forthcoming. Foolishly I paid £5 to pilesadvice.co.uk for such a letter but they just take the money and then don't tell you how to get the letter and their payment service provider seems to think this is OK Thanks in advance for all replies, John
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