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  1. Soo I just need to continue to make the £100.00 per month repayment going forward. That's helpful advice Andy, thank you.
  2. Hi, I would really appreciate any advice you can give me. I have received the Suspended Attachment of Earning Order, which states "If it is served on the debtor's employer, it will require him to deduct £100.00 per month from the judgement debtors earnings" Then it states "The court orders that the attachment of earnings order be suspended and not enforced so long as the judgement debtor punctually pays the judgement creditor instalments of £100.00 per fortnight" I have agreed with the creditor to make payment of £100.00 per month, and have already made the first payment. My concern is the £100.00 per fortnight, which I cannot afford to pay. Can the creditor enforce the £100.00 per fortnight? I just find this very confusing, so any assistance will be gratefully received. Many thanks, Daz
  3. Thank you Andy. So, just to confirm, I should complete the AofE either way, even if the creditor agrees to suspend? I really appreciate your help with this.
  4. Can anyone else help at all? Many thanks.
  5. Yes, that is correct. It's a bit of a long story. I was paying them back for over 20 months, but had never received any statements from them or any communications. I wrote to them a number of times, and due to not getting any responses, ceased my repayments. This was at the beginning of 2013. Then, early October the court papers arrived, which I defended. I had a Redetermination Hearing set for January 14, which I have cancelled, as I have now agreed to start making repayments with the creditor. They have also accepted my proposal of repayment. As we have both agreed a repayment, should I complete the AofE, or will a letter to the creditor and court confirming the acceptance of the repayment be sufficient?
  6. The name on the court forms is Aktiv Capital Portfolio AS, but I am dealing with IND Ltd.
  7. So should I complete the Attachment of Earnings, or will a letter to the court be sufficient? I guess I will have to ask the creditor to also write to the court? Thanks, Daz
  8. Hi, I wonder if you could help me. I have received an Attachment of Earnings order from the court, but I have already come to an agreement with the creditor about making a monthly payment to clear the outstanding debt. I have made an immediate payment to them today, and will be making further monthly payments, starting next week. Do I still have to complete the Attachment of Earnings form? I would prefer not to, as I don't want them to write to my employer, as this could have a detrimental affect on my job. Thank you for any help you can offer, Daz
  9. Thanks Andy, I'll give them a call on Monday. I just don't see how they can take any court action without providing me with the information I requested. They haven't provided me with the new solicitors details either, who I would like to speak to.
  10. The only other form I received was a General Form of Judgement or Order, and a Notice of Change of Solicitor. Does the General Form of Judgement or Order relate to a CCJ?
  11. Hi Andy, Thanks for the quick response. I am not aware of any CCJ being registered. If there is, I have not been notified in anyway. I had no contact from IND Ltd until last month, when they sent the court action letter, which I defended. I received correspondence from Northampton County Court advising that they were no longer handling the case.
  12. Hi, I wonder if you could help me. I had previously been paying IND Ltd for a debt for 21 months, and in January 2013, I wrote to them requesting an up to date statement showing how much was outstanding - I had never received any statements from them in all the time I had been paying. I must have emailed and written to them on at least 5 occasions, but never received any response. During this time, I had also requested details of how the debt has been calculated, a copy of the signed agreement, that they said I had signed in February 2012. In February 2013, as I hadn't heard from them, I cancelled my standing order. Then a month ago I received court action letters, showing the total debt outstanding, which I cannot agree with. I defended on the basis that they had not provided any of the information I had requested. Again, I sent emails, copies of my previous correspondence, and still did not receive any response. I even advised them that I would be willing to re-start the payments on receipt of the requested information. Now I have been sent a Notice of Redetermination Hearing for me to attend at my local court. Can they take this course of action, without ever providing any response to my requests? Do I have to attend the Redetermination Hearing? Do I need to contact the court direct? I cannot confirm in anyway that this is a legitimate debt that I owe without them providing the information. Thanks.
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